Friday, August 28, 2015

8/31 Independent Learning Plans

1.  Warm-up:  The Game

What do they all have in common?

2.  Introduction to Independent Learning Plan (ILP)
  • A plan specific to your learning needs
  • Based on results of Pre-Assessment
  • You will be given time in class to complete your ILP, but you may need to do some work at home.
3.  Find your ILP in Gmail.  The first ILP is due Friday, 9/11

8/28 First Week Wrap-up

Image result for it's friday

1.  Warm-up:  Grab a half piece of paper from your table.  Please write your name at the top. Then, write:

  • Something you learned in class this week
  • Something you found interesting/fun
  • Something you are still confused about
  • Something you are planning on doing this weekend
Please have the following items on your desk for Mr. Robinett to check:
  • Math Notebook
  • 1.1.1 Review/Preview (keep it in your notebook)
  • Supplies
2.  Pre-Assessment for Chapter 1.  Show me what you know!  Don't worry if you are stuck, this is not part of your grade.

If you finish early, try solving one of these logic puzzles.

3.  Class Dojo sign-up codes:  Your parents/guardian need to make an account in order for you to use Class Dojo

4.  Gotcha!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

8/27 CPM eBooks

1.  Warm-up:  Introducing...."The Game"

2.  Signing into CPM eBooks
  • Use the unique URL for our class.  See eBook and Resources tab on Robinett Learning website
  • Bookmark the URL
  • The username is 3 letters followed by 1 number
  • Tape/glue your log-in information to your math notebook
  • DO NOT click "Remember Me" Doing so will result in problems when you try to sign in at home.
3.  Getting to know your eBook ("Hi there eBook, nice to meet you!")

Scavenger Hunt (instructions in GC):  The team that finishes first will earn Dojo points.

4.  Team Roles reminder

5.  Continue Lesson 1.1.1

Homework:  1.1.1 Review/Preview #4-6
Mathography (in GC) is due tomorrow
Notebook/Supply check tomorrow

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

8/26 Introduction to CPM

1.  Warm-up: What's My Rule?  (In Google Classroom)

2.  Introduction to Class Dojo

3.  What is CPM?
  • Learning math through collaboration
  • Team roles
  • Project-based and discovery learning
  • Review/Preview is important!
4.  Introduction to CPM roles

5.  Begin Lesson 1.1.1 by logging into Google Classroom 

Homework:  Math Letter (in GC [Google Classroom], due on Friday)

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

8/25 Creating Classroom Culture

1.  Procedures Part I:  How to enter class
  • Silently
  • Log-in
  • Open homework
  • Warm-up
2. Warm-up:  Write a few sentences about yourself.  You can write about your hobbies, your family, your interests, your goals etc.

3.  Enroll in Google Classroom
  • Period 1 sign-up code: dm1hutp
  • Period 2 sign-up code: bxak4rs
4.  Getting to know you activity in Google Classroom

5.  Syllabus, parent letter and supply list

6.  What's my rule?

Homework:  Signed syllabus and parent letter (due tomorrow)
                     Supply check (on Friday) 

Monday, August 24, 2015

8/24 First Day of School!

1. Welcome to class!  Please find your seat on the seating chart and attempt to solve the warm-up on the side whiteboard.

2. Computer sign-in and procedure

4. What's My Rule?

5.  LOMS Expectations

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Welcome Back to School!

I hope you are as excited as I am to start a new year!  If you manage to find this daily blog before the school year starts, here are a few things you can do to better prepare yourself for the coming year:

  • Bookmark this blog (on your SLCUSD Google account). Parents, you may want to bookmark it too.
  • Bookmark my classroom website
  • Start gathering the supplies for this course
    • Two most important supplies:
      • 4 or 5 subject spiral-bound notebook (to be used for math only!)
      • Earbuds