1. Warm-up: If you have not done so already, convert your tennis court measurements into inches
Announcement: Survey data gathered by the end of the day tomorrow!
2. Essential Question: How long is the baseline of the tennis court?
Announcement: Survey data gathered by the end of the day tomorrow!
2. Essential Question: How long is the baseline of the tennis court?
- Input your data into the form in Google Classroom
- Examine the class data and record any initial observations you make
- Are there any measures that look very different from the others? These extreme values are called outliers.
- Mini-lesson: How to construct a histogram
- Order data from least to greatest
- Decide on a bin width
- Put boxes around the data, in other words, organize the bins
- Graph the frequencies using a bar-graph method
- Create a histogram of the ruler data using the same bin width as the tape measure
What do you notice when you compare the histograms side by side?
Based on this data, what do you think is the actual length of the tennis court?
Homework: Construct a box plot of ONE of the sets of data (ruler or tape measure). You will need to find the range, median, first quartile, and third quartile.