Thursday, June 2, 2016

6/2 and 6/3 Prepare Statistical Analysis Presentations

1.  Warm-up:  

Part 1:  Get out your data for Mr. Robinett to check

Part 2:  Brainstorm party ideas (math related!) for next Tuesday

2.  Statistical Analysis Presentation:

  • Review presentation guidelines and rubric
  • Reminder: Add your INDIVIDUAL contributions to the FIRST PAGE
  • One person creates Google Slides, shares it with team members, then attaches it to Google Classroom
  • Mini-lesson:  Making a graph on Google Sheets
  • Don't forget to rehearse your presentation.  No one enjoys watching a sloppy presentation

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

5/31 Histograms and Box Plots

1.  Warm-up:  If you have not done so already, convert your tennis court measurements into inches

Announcement: Survey data gathered by the end of the day tomorrow!

2.  Essential Question:  How long is the baseline of the tennis court?
  • Input your data into the form in Google Classroom
    • Examine the class data and record any initial observations you make
    • Are there any measures that look very different from the others?  These extreme values are called outliers.
  • Mini-lesson: How to construct a histogram
    • Order data from least to greatest
    • Decide on a bin width
    • Put boxes around the data, in other words, organize the bins
    • Graph the frequencies using a bar-graph method
  • Create a histogram of the ruler data using the same bin width as the tape measure
What do you notice when you compare the histograms side by side?

Based on this data, what do you think is the actual length of the tennis court?

Homework:  Construct a box plot of ONE of the sets of data (ruler or tape measure).  You will need to find the range, median, first quartile, and third quartile. 

Friday, May 27, 2016

5/27 Lesson 8.1.1 Measurement Precision

1.  Warm-up:
The following is the list of temperatures recorded at 2:00 pm in Los Osos this month:

64, 68, 74, 65, 60, 62, 70, 65, 68, 65, 71

a)  What is the range of this set of data?
b)  What is the median of this set of data?

2.  Lesson 8.1.1 Measurement Precision
  • Essential Question:  What is the length of the tennis court?
    • We will use 2 different tools to try to answer this question: a 12-inch ruler, and a measuring tape.
  • Discuss these questions in your team:
    • Will you get the same measurement with each tool?
    • Why might the measures be different?  Should they be the same?
    • Which tool do you think will give the more precise measurement, that is the one that is closer to the true measurement of the tennis court?
  • Partner up (within your teams)
  • Field trip to the tennis courts- bring notebook and pencil for recording measurements

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

5/26 Random Sampling

1.  Warm-up:  
The height (in inches) of the Golden State Warriors basketball players are listed below:

75, 80, 84, 75, 83, 75, 79, 80, 79, 82

Period 1: Find the median height of this set of data

Period 2: Find the mean (average) height of this set of data.

2.  Statistical Analysis Project

  • Quick write:  Your team will be given a list of all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders at LOMS.  Using a random number generator, you will randomly select a sample to survey.  Will this produce a sample representative of the population?  Why or why not?
  • By the end of class today:
    • Statistical question and population checked off by Mr. Robinett
    • Vocabulary completed
    • Random Sample completed, with all members of the sample assigned to a member of your team
    • Individually- quick write added to "Assignment Three journal entry"

3.  Lesson 8.2.2 Random Samples
  • Take a sample of 10 robins (from the envelope)
  • Copy the data into your notebook
  • Put the sample of 10 robins back in the envelope
  • Find the mean (average) of your data
  • Input your mean into the form in Google Classroom

NEXT PROJECT DUE DATE:  All data collected and brought to class on Thursday, June 2nd

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

5/25 Lesson 8.2.2 Random Samples

1.  Warm-up:  
The height (in inches) of the Golden State Warriors basketball players are listed below.  Find the mean (average) height of this set of data.

75, 80, 84, 75, 83, 75, 79, 80, 79, 82

Extension:  The average height of an NBA player is 6 feet, 7 inches.  How do the Golden State Warriors compare?

2.  Statistical Analysis Project
  • One person in your team makes a copy of the document (in Google Classroom) and shares editing rights to the rest of their teammates.
  • Every teammate chooses a DIFFERENT text color.  Everything you type into this shared doc will be in your text color.
  • Assignment One:  Vocabulary
  • Discussion: What is a statistical question?
  • Share out your questions
  • Assignment Two:  Choose a statistical question in your teams
    • Must get signed off by Mr. Robinett before continuing

3.  Lesson 8.2.2 Random Samples