Friday, May 27, 2016

5/27 Lesson 8.1.1 Measurement Precision

1.  Warm-up:
The following is the list of temperatures recorded at 2:00 pm in Los Osos this month:

64, 68, 74, 65, 60, 62, 70, 65, 68, 65, 71

a)  What is the range of this set of data?
b)  What is the median of this set of data?

2.  Lesson 8.1.1 Measurement Precision
  • Essential Question:  What is the length of the tennis court?
    • We will use 2 different tools to try to answer this question: a 12-inch ruler, and a measuring tape.
  • Discuss these questions in your team:
    • Will you get the same measurement with each tool?
    • Why might the measures be different?  Should they be the same?
    • Which tool do you think will give the more precise measurement, that is the one that is closer to the true measurement of the tennis court?
  • Partner up (within your teams)
  • Field trip to the tennis courts- bring notebook and pencil for recording measurements

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!