1. Warm-up: Game Show! You have been selected to participate in a new game show. You will spin the two spinners pictured below and find their total sum. Before you spin, you must predict what the sum will be. If you are correct, you win a carrot stick!
2. Pass back quizzes.
3. Probability Project (details in Google Classroom)
2. Pass back quizzes.
3. Probability Project (details in Google Classroom)
- Can work as partners or individual
4. Lesson 5.3.2 The 5-D Process
- Objective: I will use the 5-D Process to solve challenging problems
- The 5-D process
- Describe/Draw
- Define
- Do
- Decide
- Declare
- Whole class: Use the 5-D process to solve problem 104
Homework: Brainstorm ideas for your probability game
5.3.2 R/P #110, 111