Thursday, March 24, 2016

3/24 Tech day

Today is a math tech day!

Activity #1:  Expressions/Equations BuzzMath
  • Choose one of the BuzzMath activities listed in the document in Google Classroom
Activity #2:  Math games
  • Play any of the math games listed in the document in Google Classroom
Have a great Spring Break!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

3/23 Chapter 6 Test

Chapter 6 Test
  • Put up a folder to act as a "shield"
  • You may use Algebra Tiles on the test
    • Extra equation mats can be found in the back on Table 5
  • Graphic Organizers for the equation problems are optional.  They can also be found on Table 5
  • NO Calculators on the test
  • Read the directions carefully.  Make sure you answer all parts of the question and document your process
When you are finished with the test, you may:

3/22 Ch. 6 Test Prep

1.  Grab a computer and log-on to Google Classroom to access the Ch. 6 Test Prep

2.  Chapter 6 Test Prep & mini-groups

Areas to study:
  • Writing and graphing inequalities (using < , > symbols)
  • Solving equations and checking solutions
  • Writing algebraic (variable) expressions and equations
  • Solving real-world problems (either 5-D, algebraically, or hybrid)

3.  Early finishers:  Work on Puzzle Investigator #09 for extra credit.  Anyone can solve this PIP problem for extra credit.  Make sure your work is neat and easy to read.

Your homework this week is to prepare yourself for the test.  Make some time to see Mr. Robinett if there are any concepts you are still struggling with.

Monday, March 21, 2016

3/21 Ch. 6 Test Prep

1.  Warm-up:  Grab your computer and log-on to Google Classroom

2.  Chapter 6 Test Prep

Areas to study:
  • Writing and graphing inequalities (using < , > symbols)
  • Solving equations and checking solutions
  • Writing algebraic (variable) expressions and equations
  • Solving real-world problems (either 5-D, algebraically, or hybrid)
Your homework this week is to prepare yourself for the test.  Make some time to see Mr. Robinett if there are any concepts you are still struggling with.

Friday, March 18, 2016

3/18 Lesson 6.2.7 Choosing a Problem Solving Method

1.  Equations Quiz (8 minute timer)

2.  Warm-up:  Factor each of the following expressions

a)   90x + 24            b)   14x - 35            c)   -6 - 18x

3.  Lesson 6.2.7  (page 366)
  • Objective:  I will choose a strategy (equation solving, algebra tiles, 5-D process) that best helps me solve and document my process
  • Do Problem 128 first
  • Problems 129 through 133 (skip 130) using any strategy
    • First, decide on a strategy with your partner
    • Obtain the appropriate tool (algebra tiles, graphic organizer, etc.)
    • Solve the problem, document the process, check the solution
  • Dojo Challenge:  Problem 130

No homework this weekend!
Chapter 6 test on Wednesday 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

3/17 Lesson 6.2.5 Writing and Solving Equations

1.  Warm-up:  Factoring an expression is a skill that could be referred to as the Distributive Property in reverse.

Here is an example of factoring:

40x + 20  =  20(2x + 1)

I have taken an expression and divided it into 20 equal groups.

Here is another example:

12x - 8 =  4(3x - 2)

Now you try!  Factor the following expressions:

a)  9x + 6        b)    18x - 10        c)      -12 - 3x

2.  Lesson 6.2.5  Writing and Solving Equations

  • Objectives:  
    • I will write equations to model real-world situations
    • I will solve equations without Algebra Tiles
  • Problem 103 in pairs
    • Choose one:  A or B
    • Choose one:  C or D
    • Super Dojo Challenge: Problem E
  • 5-D Process/Equations Graphic Organizer
    • Remember the objective!  We are not solving this through guess-and check
    • The 5-D Process is there to help you organize your thoughts
    • Search for the "key".  Then, declare the key as your variable
    • Don't forget to Declare the answer
Homework:  Lesson 6.2.5 R/P #104, 105 only

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

3/16 Practice Day: Solving Equations

1.  Citizenship Reflection Forms

2.  Solving Equations Graphic Organizer

3.  Solving Equations Practice
  • Use the Graphic Organizer for at least the first 4 problems
  • Algebra Tiles are here to help you!
    • Some of us are ready to take off the training wheels, but many of us are not.
    • If you are stuck, build it with tiles!
  • Mini-group on back table
Homework:  Solve 4 more equations from the Equations Practice tonight

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

3/15 Lesson 6.2.4 Using Algebra in the 5-D Process

1.  Warm-up:  Problem 93 on page 352

Use a 5-D Process Resource Page to guide your thinking

2.  Lesson 6.2.4 Using Algebra in the 5-D Process
  • Objective:  I will write algebraic equations to solve real-world problems
  • Problems 94 and 95 using Red Light, Green Light
    • Clearly define what the variable x represents
    • Search for the "key."  The key is the quantity all others depend on.  Make the key your variable
    • It may be helpful to do one or two trials (guess and check) before solving the equation
    • Check that your final answer makes sense
Homework:  Lesson 6.2.4 R/P all

Monday, March 14, 2016

3/14 Lesson 6.2.3 Solving Equations and Recording the Process

1.  Warm-up:
2.  Finish Lesson 6.2.3 Solving Equations and Recording the Process
  • Objective:  I will record my process so anyone reading my work will understand my steps
  • Mini-lesson:  How to solve and record without using Algebra Tiles
  • Problem 79 in pairs using Red Light, Green Light
  • Dojo Challenge: Problem 78
  • Additional Challenge: Problem 76
3.  CSA: Daily Objective (blue)  Solving equations and recording work

No homework tonight!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

3/11 Lesson 6.2.3 Review/Preview

1.  Warm-up:  SBAC Practice

2.  Lesson 6.2.3 Review/Preview (page 349)
  • Complete Problems 81-90 (skip #84)
  • You may work with your Algebra Tiles partner, but you both will turn in your own work
  • When you finish, correct your work using the answer key in Google Classroom
    • No corrections = automatic 20% deduction
  • Re-work problems that were done incorrectly
  • Turn in your work to the folder for class participation points

3/10 Lesson 6.2.3 Solving Equations and Recording Work

1.  Field Trip to the LOFT for Open House

2.  Lesson 6.2.3 Solving Equations and Recording Work (page 346)

  • Objective:  I will record my process so anyone reading my work will understand my steps
  • Problems 71 through 74 as Red Light, Green Light
    • There is a Resource page for Problems 71 and 73, but you will still need to read the problems in your book
  • Dojo Challenge:  Problem 75

No Homework tonight!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

3/9 Finish Lesson 6.2.2 and Order of Operations check-in

1.  Warm-up:  

Missy was solving the equation 2(x + 4) = 3x + 2

She found a solution of x = -2.  Check Missy's solution and give her feedback.

Hint:  Review your notes from yesterday and/or use the sample problem on the side whiteboard.

2.  Finish Lesson 6.2.2 (page 344)

  • Problem 64 as Red Light, Green Light
    • Check your answer after finishing each sub-problem
    • Document the process (build it, record it, simplify it, record it, check your solution)
2.  Order of Operations Check-in (green worksheet)
  • This was the Checkpoint problem from Chapter 5, but we never got to it in class.
  • At this point, it is expected that you have mastered the 4 basic operations and exponents without using a calculator
  • This is an assessment (non-graded) to see your progress.
  • This is a completely INDIVIDUAL assignment.  No collaboration, please
Homework:  Lesson 6.2.2 R/P #67-69

3/8 Lesson 6.2.2 Solving Equations and Checking Solutions

1.  Warm-up: SBAC Practice

Open House announcement:  You will have an opportunity to earn extra credit by attending Open House with your family.

2.  Pass back Probability Projects
  • Late projects can be submitted no later than Friday and will receive a one letter-grade penalty
  • Re-working your project can bring your grade up to a "C".  Re-works submitted no later than Friday.

3.  Lesson 6.2.2 Solving Equations and Checking Solutions
  • Objective:  I will solve equations using "legal moves" to simplify.  I will check that the solution is correct
  • Problems 60 through 62 as Red Light, Green Light.
    • STOPLIGHT after 62 part a)
    • Be ready to discuss strategies your team came up with for 62 a)
  • Mini-lesson: Checking your solution
  • Problems 63 and 64 as Red LightGreen Light.
4.  CSA: Daily Objective (blue)

Homework:  Lesson 6.2.2 R/P #65, 66, 70

Monday, March 7, 2016

3/5 Lesson 6.2.1 Solving Equations

1.  Warm-up:

2.  Lesson 6.2.1 Solving Equations
  • Objective:  I will solve equations using "legal moves" to simplify expressions
  • Problem 49 as mini-lesson
  • Problems 50 through 52 as Red Light, Green Light
Homework:  Lesson 6.2.1 R/P #54-58

Friday, March 4, 2016

3/4 Lesson 6.1.4 More Inequalities

1.  Quiz: Simplifying Algebraic Expressions

2.  Warm-up:  Graph the inequality on a number line.  Make a separate number line for each problem.  Hint:  Place a circle at the boundary point. Draw an arrow pointing to all possible solutions.

a)  x  >  -4            b)    x  <  3

3.  Lesson 9.1.4 More Inequality Practice
  • Objective:  I will represent inequalities in multiple ways (graph, words, symbols)
  • Mini-lesson:  Open or closed circle?
  • Problems 36 through 38 (page 333) as Red Light, Green Light.
  • Dojo Challenge: Problem 39
No homework this weekend!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

3/3 Lesson 6.1.3 Introduction to Inequalities

1.  Warm-up: SBAC problem

2.  Lesson 6.1.3 Introduction to Inequalities
  • Objective:  I will simplify Algebraic expressions and graph the solution to an inequality
  • Problems #24 and 25 in pairs (page 329)
  • Problem 25 resulted in the expression x > 3
    • Is there a greatest number that is a solution?
    • Is there a smallest number that is a solution?
    • How can we list all solutions?
3.  Practice problems on the side whiteboard
  • Simplify the expressions
  • Then, graph the solutions
4.  CSA: Daily Objective (blue)

Homework:  Probability Project due tomorrow.  All work should be turned in on Google Classroom or handed into Mr. R on Friday morning

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

3/2 Lesson 6.1.2 Comparing Algebraic Expressions

1.  Warm up: SBAC problem

2.  Lesson 6.1.2 Comparing Algebraic Expressions
  • Objective:  I will simplify Algebraic expressions using "legal moves"
  • Problem #12 in pairs.  STOPLIGHT!  Don't move on until instructed to
  • Problem #14 introduces a new legal move: Adding Like Terms
3.  Comparing Algebraic Expressions partner practice
  • Partner A makes a (small) mess on Mat A.  Partner B makes a (small) mess on Mat B
  • Both partners record BOTH Mats.
  • Take turns simplifying the expressions using "legal moves".
  • Record each step on your paper
  • Can you conclude which Mat is greater?  If not, give an example of when Mat A would be greater and when Mat B would be greater.
Homework:  Lesson 6.1.2 R/P #17, 19, 20

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

3/1 Lesson 6.1.1 Comparing Algebraic Expressions

1.  Pass back Ch. 5 Tests
  • Review answers
  • Talk about District Common Assessment
  • Can I retake the test?
    • Yes.  Complete a re-work on your own time, schedule an appointment with Mr. R to review the re-work, and re-take the test at lunch on Friday
    • You can improve your grade up to a 70%
2.  Lesson 6.1.1 Comparing Algebraic Expressions
  • Objective:  I will compare two Algebraic expressions by using "legal moves" to simplify the expressions.
  • Problem #1 as mini-lesson
  • Problem #3 in pairs
    • Once you have completed Step 4, put your pencils down and give me a thumbs up
  • Problem #5 in pairs
Homework:  Lesson 6.1.1 R/P skip #10