Tuesday, March 1, 2016

3/1 Lesson 6.1.1 Comparing Algebraic Expressions

1.  Pass back Ch. 5 Tests
  • Review answers
  • Talk about District Common Assessment
  • Can I retake the test?
    • Yes.  Complete a re-work on your own time, schedule an appointment with Mr. R to review the re-work, and re-take the test at lunch on Friday
    • You can improve your grade up to a 70%
2.  Lesson 6.1.1 Comparing Algebraic Expressions
  • Objective:  I will compare two Algebraic expressions by using "legal moves" to simplify the expressions.
  • Problem #1 as mini-lesson
  • Problem #3 in pairs
    • Once you have completed Step 4, put your pencils down and give me a thumbs up
  • Problem #5 in pairs
Homework:  Lesson 6.1.1 R/P skip #10