Thursday, March 17, 2016

3/17 Lesson 6.2.5 Writing and Solving Equations

1.  Warm-up:  Factoring an expression is a skill that could be referred to as the Distributive Property in reverse.

Here is an example of factoring:

40x + 20  =  20(2x + 1)

I have taken an expression and divided it into 20 equal groups.

Here is another example:

12x - 8 =  4(3x - 2)

Now you try!  Factor the following expressions:

a)  9x + 6        b)    18x - 10        c)      -12 - 3x

2.  Lesson 6.2.5  Writing and Solving Equations

  • Objectives:  
    • I will write equations to model real-world situations
    • I will solve equations without Algebra Tiles
  • Problem 103 in pairs
    • Choose one:  A or B
    • Choose one:  C or D
    • Super Dojo Challenge: Problem E
  • 5-D Process/Equations Graphic Organizer
    • Remember the objective!  We are not solving this through guess-and check
    • The 5-D Process is there to help you organize your thoughts
    • Search for the "key".  Then, declare the key as your variable
    • Don't forget to Declare the answer
Homework:  Lesson 6.2.5 R/P #104, 105 only