Friday, April 29, 2016

5/2 Angle Practice

Grab your computer and log-in. (See seating chart for computer numbers)

Head to Google Classroom for today's technology activities.  
You will need to take screenshot proof of completions for each activity.

1.  Estimating Angles:  Alien Angles game.

I had a hard time figuring out how to play this at first.  Slide the blue dot to adjust the angle

2.  Practice Measuring Angles:
3.  Name Angles:
Homework:  Lesson 8.3.2 R/P #60-62

4/29 Technology Day

Grab a computer and log-in (see seating chart for computer numbers)

1.  Warm-up: Cryptograms

2.  Technology Day:  Tile Pattern Challenge
Finished early?  Try one of these math games.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

4/28 Ch. 7 Test

Chapter 7 Test

Equations are leveled.

  • 1 correct = D
  • 2 correct = C
  • 3 correct = B
  • 4 correct = A
I anticipate this will take most students the entire period, but if you finish early you may:
  • Read silently
  • Complete Tuesday's homework that you "forgot" to do
  • Finish Central Park desmos activity
    • Class code:  2J2G

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

4/27 Review Team Test, Begin Geometry

1.  Warm-up: 

  • Part I: NIKE ZOOM LEBRON SOLDIER 9 PREMIUM cost Nike $80 to make (wholesale price). Nike marks up the shoes 75%. How much do customers pay?
  • Part II:  Nike outlet puts the shoe on sale for 25% off.  How much is the profit?

2.  Review Team Test
  • Fraction Busters Review
  • Challenging % Problems (#4 and 5)
Here's how to study tonight:
  • Practice equations (20 problem worksheet)
  • Practice percents (16 question worksheet)
    • Focus on challenge problems (#4, 10, 11, 13)
  • Lunch Club today!
3.  Begin Geometry unit: Today's topic- angles
  • Simon Says: angles
  • Problem 56- estimating angles
  • Problem 57- measuring angles
Homework:  Prepare for the test tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

4/26 Chapter 7 Team Test

MDTP test next Weds.
  • This test helps determine placement for next year (Support class, Math 8 ACC)

1.  Turn in Proportions practice to the folder on the back table

2.  Chapter 7 Team Test
  • Work together to solve each problem
  • The goal is to prepare EVERYONE for our test on Thursday
  • Make sure everyone agrees on an answer before moving on
  • I will randomly choose 1 paper, and everyone in the team will receive that grade

Homework:  Lesson 7.2.1 R/P skip #105

Chapter 7 Test on Thursday

Monday, April 25, 2016

4/25 Finish Chapter 7: Solving Proportional Equations

1.  Warm-up: SBAC Practice

2.  Individual Test this Thursday on Percents and Equations

3.  Finish Chapter 7: Solving Proportional Equations

  • Receive a copy of the Toolkit: Solving Proportional Equations
  • Complete Solving Proportional Equations practice sheet
Homework:  Finish Solving Proportional Equations practice sheet

Thursday, April 21, 2016

4/22 Quiz & Technology Practice

1.  Log-on to a computer.  Turn in your equations homework to the folder on the back table.  Make sure to staple all of your scratch work as well.

2.  Quiz: Banquet Tables

  • Read the directions carefully.  Make sure to answer all parts of the question and explain your thinking.
  • I recommend that you use the Math Checklist to guide your problem-solving process.

3.  Central Park (online activity)
  • Go to
  • Enter class code: 2J2G
  • Practice your equation skills by completing the activity

4.  Finished everything early?  Click this link to try a math game.

4/21 Lesson 7.2.1 Solving Proportional Equations

1.  Warm-up: SBAC Practice


  • Quiz tomorrow
  • Ch. 7 Test (Percents and Equations) next Weds.

2.  Lesson 7.2.1 Solving Proportional Equations
  • Objective:  I will write proportional equations and solve them using multiple methods.
  • Math Game: How many ways can you write the number 25?
  • How many different ways can you solve this proportional equation?
    • Students share out methods/strategies
    • Mr. R can solve it 4 ways
  • Problems 97 and 99 in teams (Red Light, Green Light)
  • Percent Practice: Problems 102 and 104 from R/P

Homework:  Equations practice due tomorrow.  You will staple all of your work together and turn in to the guest teacher.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

4/20 Equations Practice

1.  SBAC Practice

2.  Equations Practice

  • Make sure to attempt at least TWO Level 4 equations (#16-20) today in class
  • Examples for Level 3 and 4 are on the board
3.  Central Park (online activity)
  • Go to
  • Enter class code: 2J2G
  • Practice your equation skills by completing the activity
Homework:  Finished eqautions (all 20) due on Friday

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

4/19 Equations Practice

1.  Entrance Ticket: Which loan is a better deal:  A $1200 dollar loan with an interest rate of 4% charged weekly OR a $1500 loan with an interest rate of 11% charged monthly?

2.  Return Math Checklist Quizzes
  • I need to re-collect them after you review your score
3.  Equations Practice
  • Solve each equation using any tools or strategies.  Document your process. Check your solution using substitution.
    • Available tools:
      • Algebra Tiles
      • Graphic Organizers
    • Strategies:
      • Algebra Tiles
      • Fraction Busters
Homework:  Put a line under the last problem you completed today in class.  Solve 3 more equations tonight.  Check your solutions using substitution.  You may also refer to the answer key in Google Classroom.

Monday, April 18, 2016

4/18 Simple Interest Game

Your team will start with $1,000 in your account.  Make wise decisions and correct calculations to grow your money as much as possible in 1 year.  The team with the most money wins!

1 month = 4 weeks

Decision #1:  Over a 3-month period of time, you can have either 3% interest every week  OR  10% interest every month

Decision #2:  Over a 3-month period of time, you can have either

Decision #3:  Over a 3-month period of time you can have either $150 added to your account each month OR 10% interest each month

Decision #4:  Over a 3-month period of time, you can choose 2% interest each week OR take your chances with a random % interest each month

Homework:  Problems #1-13 completed in Percent Practice Packet (also available in Google Classroom).  Answers checked and corrected to receive full credit

Friday, April 15, 2016

4/15 Lesson 7.1.8 Simple Interest

1.  Warm-up:  Math Checklist Quiz

2.  Revisit yesterday's essential question: A store owner believes he has found an easy way to get more customers without losing money.  He will be holding a 10% off sale on every item in his store.  But, before he opens his shop that day, he will increase the price of everything by 10%.  How will this affect the original price?

3.  Lesson 7.1.8 Simple Interest

Essential Question:  Which loan is a better deal:  A $1200 dollar loan with an interest rate of 4% charged weekly OR a $1500 loan with an interest rate of 11% charged monthly?

  • Introduction to Simple Interest
  • Problem 86 as Think-Pair-Share
  • Problem 87 and 88 in teams using Red Light, Green Light
    • Problem 88 d) and e) are Dojo Challenge Problems
  • Problem 89 is an additional Dojo Challenge
4.  Answer the Essential Question on an exit ticket.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

4/14 More Percent Practice

Today you will continue practicing solving percent problems.

Use the examples on the side whiteboard (Plan A and Plan B), as well as the work you did yesterday as your guide.

By the end of the period, your goal is to be able to answer the essential question using mathematical evidence to support your opinion.

Essential Question:  A store owner believes he has found an easy way to get more customers without losing money.  He will be holding a 10% off sale on every item in his store.  But, before he opens his shop that day, he will increase the price of everything by 10%.  How will this affect the original price?

  • Do Problem 78 first (page 412)
  • Then, move onto the Percent Problems on your desk (also found in Google Classroom for tonight's homework)

Homework:  Solve 3 additional Percent Problems (found in Google Classroom)

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

4/13 Lesson 7.1.7 Percent Increase/Decrease

1.  Warm-up:

Mad Minutes: Percents

Example:  What is 35% of 240?

  • Student volunteers to explain their solutions

2.  Lesson 7.1.7  Percent Increase/Decrease

Essential Question:  A store owner believes he has found an easy way to get more customers without losing money.  He will be holding a 10% off sale on every item in his store.  But, before he opens his shop that day, he will increase the price of everything by 10%.  How will this affect the original price?
  • Problem 77 and 78 in teams using Red Light, Green Light

3.  Exit Ticket:  Using the math skills that you learned today, answer the essential question.

Homework:  Lesson 7.1.7 R/P #80, 81

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

4/12 Lesson 7.1.6 Fraction Busters!

1.  Warm-up:  Inequalities (on side whiteboard)

2.  Lesson 7.1.6 Fraction Busters! (page 407)
  • Objective:  I will re-write equations using Fraction Busters to make them easier to solve.
  • Fraction Busters prezo
  • Problems 65-67 in teams using Red Light, Green Light
  • Dojo Challenge:  Problem 68
  • Super Dojo Challenge: Problem 69
Homework:  Lesson 7.1.6 R/P #70, 72, &73

Monday, April 11, 2016

4/11 Lesson 7.1.4 Equations with fractional coefficients

1.  Warm-up:  Math Checklist Quiz

You will be graded on how you dissect the problem, plan an approach, solve the problem, show your process, and explain the solution.

If you use the Math Checklist as your guide you will do well!

Period 2:  Please turn in your Chapter 6 rework!

2.  Lesson 7.1.4  Solving Equations with Fractional Coefficients
  • Objective:  I will solve equations with fractional coefficients
  • Are we there yet?
  • Problems 39 and 40 in teams (8 minute timer)
  • Mini lesson: Solving equations with fractional coefficients
  • Problem 44 in teams
Homework:  Lesson 7.1.4 R/P #45, 46, 50

Friday, April 8, 2016

4/8 Lesson 7.1.3 Solving Problems Involving Percents

1.  Warm-up:  Using the idea of scale factors, efficiently solve each percent problem

a)  What is 85% of 40?

b)  What is 8% of 25?

c)  What is 35% of 240?

Turn-in:  Any Chapter 6 reworks?  Turn in what you have for partial credit

2.  Lesson 7.1.3 Solving Percent Problems (page 390)
  • Objective: I will solve percent problems efficiently using the idea of multiplication of scale factors.
  • We are moving away from percent rulers for more efficient strategies.
  • Problems 27 through 30 as Red Light, Green Light
    • Skip Problem 29 c)
  • Dojo Challenge:  Problem 31
Exit Ticket:  Cynthia wants to pay a 20% tip on her $74 dinner bill.  Write an expression (not the answer!) that she could use to calculate the tip amount.

Homework:  Finish Lesson 7.1.3 (Problems 27 through 30)

Thursday, April 7, 2016

4/7 Lesson 7.1.2 Scaling Quantities

1.  Warm-up:  Math Checklist

2.  Lesson 7.1.2 Scaling Quantities (scale factor) on page 385
  • Objective:  I will solve percent problems efficiently using the idea of multiplication of scale factors.
  • Bike race video.
  • A Tour de France biker can ride at a constant speed of 25 mph.  How far would he/she ride in 2 hours?  In 3 hours?  How about 3/5 of an hour?
  • Problems 18 and 19 as Red Light, Green Light
  • Dojo Challenge:  Problem 20
Homework:  Lesson 7.1.2 R/P #21, 22, 24

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

4/6 Chapter 6 Rework

1.  Warm-up:  Mathematics Checklist

2.  Chapter 6 Rework

Everyone can earn back points on their test!  You are eligible to earn back half of your points by completing the rework.  You do not have to rework any problem that you scored 100% on.

To earn back points, you must rework the problem AND complete the Ninja Practice problems.  All problems must be solved correctly to earn the points.

There are 6 stations in the room, 1 station for each of the problems on the test.

Each station is being taught by a student-mentor who demonstrated mastery on the test.  This student-mentor will explain their process, and help with the rework.

After 5 minutes we will switch so that everybody (not including student-mentors) will travel to every station.

There are other experts in the room!  After the student-mentor explains their solution feel free to explain yours as well.  But, your first job is to listen to the student-mentor without interrupting (just like you would with a teacher).

The goal of this activity is to help each other understand how to solve the test problems and Ninja Practice problems.  Everyone is a teacher, and everyone is a student.  Let's work together so that we can all be successful!

Homework:  Complete the Chapter 6 Rework.  It is due on Friday (no late work accepted)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

4/5 Lesson 7.1.1 Distance, Rate, and Time

Get your computers today!

1.  Warm-up:  Math Checklist interactive modeling

2.  Lesson 7.1.1 Distance, Rate, and Time

Activity #1  Who is Faster?
  • Take out your "Who is Faster?" packets from yesterday
  • Submit your 20 meter run time and speed on Google Classroom
  • Debrief:  How do we know who is faster?
Activity #2  Distance, Rate, and Time exploration
  • Open "Distance, Rate, TIme (running uphill)" in Google Classroom
  • Use the stopwatch and ruler tools to gather data about Jessie
  • Make a graph (using Desmos in CPM eBook)
  • Answer all of the questions in the "Running Uphill" doc as a TEAM

Homework:  Lesson 7.1.1 R/P #10, 14

Monday, April 4, 2016

4/4 Lesson 7.1.1 Distance, Rate, and Time

1.  Warm-up:  Read the following scenario and answer the follow-up questions

George stood on the train platform and waved goodbye to his sister as she left for summer camp.  Later, as he was getting in his car to drive home, he saw a light flashing inside the train station and heard an announcement that his sister’s train had broken and was stuck on the tracks.  George had a map of the train’s route and decided to drive to where the train was stuck and pick up his sister. 

  • How can he figure out where the train is?  What information would help him to figure it out?

2.  Lesson 7.1.1 Distance, Rate and Time
  • Objective:  I will use proportional reasoning to solve problems involving distance, rate and time.
  • Mini-lesson: Calculating Speed (think Ratey, the Math Cat)
  • Outdoor lesson: Who is Faster?
    • Who has a phone/watch with stopwatch capabilities?
    • Partner up

Homework:  Lesson 7.1.1 R/P #11-13 (graph paper required for #11)