Tuesday, April 5, 2016

4/5 Lesson 7.1.1 Distance, Rate, and Time

Get your computers today!

1.  Warm-up:  Math Checklist interactive modeling

2.  Lesson 7.1.1 Distance, Rate, and Time

Activity #1  Who is Faster?
  • Take out your "Who is Faster?" packets from yesterday
  • Submit your 20 meter run time and speed on Google Classroom
  • Debrief:  How do we know who is faster?
Activity #2  Distance, Rate, and Time exploration
  • Open "Distance, Rate, TIme (running uphill)" in Google Classroom
  • Use the stopwatch and ruler tools to gather data about Jessie
  • Make a graph (using Desmos in CPM eBook)
  • Answer all of the questions in the "Running Uphill" doc as a TEAM

Homework:  Lesson 7.1.1 R/P #10, 14