Thursday, April 7, 2016

4/7 Lesson 7.1.2 Scaling Quantities

1.  Warm-up:  Math Checklist

2.  Lesson 7.1.2 Scaling Quantities (scale factor) on page 385
  • Objective:  I will solve percent problems efficiently using the idea of multiplication of scale factors.
  • Bike race video.
  • A Tour de France biker can ride at a constant speed of 25 mph.  How far would he/she ride in 2 hours?  In 3 hours?  How about 3/5 of an hour?
  • Problems 18 and 19 as Red Light, Green Light
  • Dojo Challenge:  Problem 20
Homework:  Lesson 7.1.2 R/P #21, 22, 24