Thursday, December 17, 2015

12/17 Number Sense Quiz; Lessons 4.2.1/4.2.2 Tidy-up

1.  Number Sense Quiz

2.  Tidy up Lessons 4.2.1 and 4.2.2
  • Focus questions:
    • How can you use a table to decide if a relationship is proportional?
    • How can you use a graph to decide if a relationship is proportional?
  • 4 graphs side by side with their tables underneath
    • 3 relationships are proportional, 1 is not.  Can you find the one that is not proportional?  What makes it different from the rest?  Explain what is different about the graph.  Explain what is different about the table.
  • Math Notes:  Proportions in tables and graphs
3.  Now you try:  Problems 37 through 39 in teams (page 204)

No Homework tonight!