Wednesday, December 2, 2015

12/2 Chapter 3 Review and Practice

1.  No warm-up. Grab your computer, log on, and be ready to review and practice!

2.  Chapter 3 Review and Practice
  • Chapter 3 "note card"
    • As you work today, write down strategies and examples for the different types of problems you solve
    • You will be able to use your note card on the test!
  • Chapter 3 Review Problems
    • Parts a) and b) Individually
      • assess your understanding
    • Parts c) and d) Sage and Scribe
    • Parts e) and f)  Free choice (individual or partner)
    • Check your answers in Google Classroom

Homework: Chapter 3 Closure problems #131, 135-137
                  ILP is due on Friday 12/4 (paper copies available)