Thursday, May 12, 2016

5/13 & 5/16 Technology Days

1.  Warm-up: Cryptogram
  • Cryptograms are secret codes that you need to decipher.  Each number is associated with a corresponding letter.
  • Look for small words first (1 letter, 2 letters, 3 letters).  They are easier to guess
  • Solve cryptograms in pencil!  It is necessary to guess on particular letters.  If you guess wrong, you need to be able to erase.

2.  Technology Practice (in Google Classroom)
  • Open the document "Math 7 Technology Practice" in Google Classroom
    • This is a list of practice activities and games you may choose from
    • You DO NOT need to do activities in order.  You can pick and choose from the list
  • Open the document "Tech Practice Proof of Completion" in Google Classroom
    • This is where you take screenshots of your proof of completion.
    • I prefer to use Snipping Tool (which is in "Accessories") to take screenshots
  • You must complete 4 activities and screenshot the proof to receive full credit on this assignment.
    • Note:  Correctly answering 6 questions on BuzzMath counts as completion.
  • You must complete 1 activity from each section.
Announcement:  We resume SBAC testing on Tuesday.