Monday, May 23, 2016

5/23 Lesson 8.2.1 Conducting Surveys

1.  Announcements:
  • Technology practice in grade book
  • MDTP tomorrow in class. Eat breakfast!
2.  Lesson 8.2.1 Conducting Surveys
  • Essential Question:  Who is going to be the next President of the US?  How could you conduct a survey to help you predict the winner of the election?
  • Vocabulary Building:
    • Population
    • Sample
    • Representative sample
    • Convenience sample
    • Voluntary response sample
    • Cluster sample
  • Today, your task is to critique a variety of surveys.  Do they produce a representative sample?  Why or why not?
  • Problems 29 and 30 are discussions
  • Problem 31- <<Glue resource page into notebook>>

3.  Statistical Analysis Project
  • In-class, team project
    • If you work hard and participate in class, very little will have to be done outside of class
  • Last "test" grade of the year.  Do your best!
  • Instructions, deadlines, etc. in Google Classroom
  • Begin brainstorming the question your team will ask

Homework:  Bring a list of 3 possible questions your team might ask.  Be sure to include the population you will survey in your question.