1. Warm-up: No computers today. Resource Managers: grab 2 textbooks for your team to share. Turn to page 88
2. Lesson 2.2.2 Zero Pairs and Absolute Value
2. Lesson 2.2.2 Zero Pairs and Absolute Value
- Objectives:
- I will simplify expressions efficiently using zero pairs
- I will simplify expressions involving Absolute Value
Finished with the problem early? Don't wait around doing nothing. Try Challenge problems #46 and 47
Do: Problem 43. Focus word: "Zero pair." How can we describe Cecil's movement with relation to a zero pair?
Mini-lesson: Number line addition
Do: Problem 44
Mini-lesson: Absolute Value
Do: Problem 45
Homework: Lesson 2.2.2 R/P (answers in GC)
Do: Problem 43. Focus word: "Zero pair." How can we describe Cecil's movement with relation to a zero pair?
Mini-lesson: Number line addition
Do: Problem 44
Mini-lesson: Absolute Value
Do: Problem 45
- Chapter 1 Re-test on Weds (at lunch or after school)
- Minecraft tournament applications due tonight. See blog post from Friday
Homework: Lesson 2.2.2 R/P (answers in GC)