1. Sign in, grab your Chapter 1 Test, and compare answers with your new teammates.
2. Chapter 1 rework.
2. Chapter 1 rework.
- Most missed problems: Question 2, Equivalent Fractions, and Area of triangle
- Complete the "Ninja Problem" for every question you got incorrect
- Completed reworks are due on Friday
- Make-up tests available only to students who turn in their reworks ON TIME!
- The highest possible grade on a make-up test is 80%
- Make-up test will be offered next Weds. at lunch or after school.
3. Finished with your Ninja problems? You get to play Minecraft Sheep Probability! Mr. Robinett must check that you have completed all Ninja Problems first.
- Find other students who also rocked the test. You will create TEAMS of two to four people. You will need to sit together.
- In APPLICATIONS, GO TO MINECRAFT UPDATE LOMS. You will go to MULTIPLAYER then the LOMS 3rd Server and work on the MINECRAFT Probability Sheep Quest. Please be sure to right click on all signs under the BLUE "i". Be sure to read and follow all instructions in the game and record your work in your MATH NOTEBOOK!
Homework: Chapter 1 Test Rework is due on Friday. Converting fractions into decimals (denominator-class 2 through 9) will be checked tomorrow.