1. Warm-up (on side whiteboard): A multiplication with decimals problem has been solved 2 ways.
Analyze each method and explain the student's thinking. Which method is correct? Why?
2. Pass back quiz/pre-assessment
3. Check grades in PowerSchool
Analyze each method and explain the student's thinking. Which method is correct? Why?
2. Pass back quiz/pre-assessment
- Preparing for Ch. 4 ILP is due 12/4 (Friday we get back from break)
- Complete 2 activities for full credit
- Puzzle Investigator is extra credit (after completing 2 required activities)
3. Check grades in PowerSchool
- Progress Reports out on Friday
- Check your R/P grade. Not showing credit for an assignment you did? Find the R/P in your notebook and see Mr. Robinett before school, at nutrition, after school.
4. Lesson 3.2.5 Operations with Integers