New Seats and Teams! Find your seat and log on to your new computer. Make sure your computer number matches the number on your table.
1. Warm-up: 3 1/2 + 4(3 1/5) + 6(-2)
a) Circle the terms in the expression
b) Simplify the expression
*Use the example on the side whiteboard to help you
2. Chapter 2 Homework Help Heroes!
3. Chapter 2 Test Rework
4. Check Review/Preview grades in PowerSchool
5. Finished with the Rework? Partner up with someone else who has finished and play "Aim for 16." Find the game rules in Google Classroom
Rework and Extra Ninja practice is due Monday, 11/9
Re-test (for those who scored below 80%) is on Tuesday, 11/10
Extra credit opportunity: Play Aim for 16 with your family (at least 5 rounds). Keep track of the results of each roll, as well as the expressions you and your family create. Show Mr. Robinett during R/P check
1. Warm-up: 3 1/2 + 4(3 1/5) + 6(-2)
a) Circle the terms in the expression
b) Simplify the expression
*Use the example on the side whiteboard to help you
2. Chapter 2 Homework Help Heroes!
3. Chapter 2 Test Rework
- Pass back tests
- Rework all incorrect answers. DO NOT write on your original test
- Complete the Ninja Problems (only for questions you missed on the test)
4. Check Review/Preview grades in PowerSchool
- Are there assignments you did--you can locate them in your notebook-- that you don't have credit for? See Mr. Robinett before school, at nutrition, or after school to show him your notebook.
5. Finished with the Rework? Partner up with someone else who has finished and play "Aim for 16." Find the game rules in Google Classroom
Rework and Extra Ninja practice is due Monday, 11/9
Re-test (for those who scored below 80%) is on Tuesday, 11/10
Extra credit opportunity: Play Aim for 16 with your family (at least 5 rounds). Keep track of the results of each roll, as well as the expressions you and your family create. Show Mr. Robinett during R/P check