Monday, September 14, 2015

9/14 Chapter 2 ILP + Lesson 1.2.2 Mystery Spinner

1.  Warm-up:  Make the number 48 using only the numbers 5 and 7, the basic operations (+, -, x, /), and grouping symbols ( ).

2.  Find your Chapter 2 ILP in Gmail
  • A completed ILP will contain 4 finished (or nearly finished) activities
  • Do the "Not Yet..." activities first.  They are crucial to your success in Chapter 2
  • You may choose ANY of the "Rocked it" activities.  They will support your learning in Chapter 1
3.  Begin Lesson 1.2.2 "The Mystery Spinner"

Homework: Lesson 1.2.2 R/P will be checked on Wednesday (answers in Google Classroom)