Friday, September 4, 2015

9/4 How tall is a million pennies?

1.  Warm-up:  How many 100s are in 1,000?  How many 1,000s are in 1,000,000?

2.  How tall is a million pennies?  Turn to your classwork section in your notebook

3.  Formalize team roles using  Jigsaw method.  The goal of this activity is to make sure everyone understands EVERY role.

  • Meet with your group (based on your team role) and discuss what your role is all about
  • Summarize your role in 2 sentences or less
  • Go back to your study team and share your summary
4.  ILP time

Homework: Lesson 1.1.4 R/P due Tuesday
ILP is due next Friday 9/11