Tuesday, September 29, 2015

9/29 Chapter 1 Closure

1.  Warm-up:  Write an equivalent fraction to 2/5 that has a:
  • Numerator of 10
  • Denominator of 35
2.  Grade Closure problems
  • Put a star for mastery, an "x" for needs improvement
  • Go to Socrative.com, click "student login", and type in Classroom Code: Robinett
    • Enter your scores for the specified problems (read each question carefully)
3.  Make Individual Study Guide
  • Find your study guide in Google Classroom
  • Use the table at the end of the Ch. 1 Closure section to help you form your study plan
4.  Mini-groups & Individual study time

Homework:  Continue studying for Ch. 1 test or work on Chapter 2 ILP (due Friday)