Monday, November 16, 2015

11/16 Lesson 3.2.4 Multiplying Decimals

1.  Warm-up:  Complete the Generic Rectangle on the front whiteboard

2.  Finish Lesson 3.2.4 Multiplying Decimals
  • Objectives:
    • I will understand how decimal multiplication works and where to place the decimal point
    • I will develop strategies (generic rectangle, hundredths grid, fractions, estimation, algorithm) to solve decimal multiplication problems.
  • Team check marks!
    • Problems 68 through 71 in teams.  After reaching consensus, place a check mark on the side whiteboard
  • Dojo Challenge: Problem 72
3.  Closure:  How do you know where to place the decimal point when solving a multiplication problem?

Homework:  Lesson 3.2.4 R/P skip #75 (due Tuesday)