Monday, November 9, 2015

11/9 Simplifying Expression using Subtraction

Turn in your Chapter 2 Ninja Problems (Rework) into the yellow folder on Table 5

1.  Warm-up:  Quietly take a handful of integer tiles from your bin.  

Solve the following problems using integer tiles.  
Write the resulting mathematical expression in your warm-up section.

a)  Start with 6 negative tiles.  Remove 4 negative tiles.

b)  Start with 3 positive, 5 negative tiles.  Remove 2 positive tiles.

c)  Start with 4 positive tiles.  Remove 3 negative tiles.  How are you going to do this?

d)  -4 - 5

2.  Announcements:

  • Chapter 2 Re-test tomorrow (lunch or after school)

3.  Mini-lesson:  Subtraction using a number line

4.  Finish Lesson 3.2.1- Subtraction of Integers

  • Problem 27 (on side whiteboard)
  • Dojo Challenge: Problem 28 and 32 on page 141

No Homework tonight!