Wednesday, November 18, 2015

11/18 Lesson 3.3.1 Dividing rational numbers

1.  Warm-up:

a)  Explain what "reciprocal" means (also known as multiplicative inverse).  Don't know?  Read the Math Notes on page 160

b)  Find the reciprocal of:
  • 3/4
  • 1/8
  • 2 4/5
2.  Lesson 3.3.1 Dividing Rational Numbers
  • Objective:  I will develop strategies for dividing rational numbers
  • Problem 87 as individuals (led by Mr. Robinett)
  • Problem 88 as team discussion.
  • Problem 89 as mini-lesson
    • Dividing fractions using reciprocal and Giant One
    • Dividing fractions by finding a common denominator
3.  Now you try.  Solve each problem using BOTH strategies.  Once your group has consensus, check your answers in the Top Secret: Answer Key folder on top of the computer cart.

a)  4/5 divided by 1/2                       b)  2 1/2 divided by 3/4

c)  1 2/3 divided by 4/6                    d)  -3 1/5 divided by 2 1/2

Dojo Challenge Problems:  #90 and #92 on page 164

Homework:  Lesson 3.3.1 R/P (answers in GC)