Friday, October 30, 2015

10/30 Halloween Themed Math

1.  The Game:  Grouping Challenge!

1 + 3 · 2 + 8 + (-4)

Add parentheses to the above expression to:

a)  Make the lowest possible answer
b)  Make the greatest possible answer

2.  Halloween-themed math (in Google Classroom)

No homework this weekend!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

10/29 Ch 2 Test

When you are finished with your test, you may:

No Homework tonight!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

10/28 Lesson 3.1.1 + Ch 2 Study Time

1.  Warm-up:  Consider the expression  5 + 3 · 4 + 2

a)  Draw a diagram (integer tiles) of the expression
b)  What is the value of the expression?

2.  Lesson 3.1.1 (page 132)  Grouping Expressions

  • Math Notes: Numerical Term
  • For each of the following expressions:
    • Circle the terms
    • Simplify the expression (find the answer)
     a)  -3 + 7 + 4(-2)             b)  6 · 4 + 8 · -2

    c)   1 + 1(-5) + 4             d)   5 + 4 · 3 · 2 + (-6)

3.  When your team is finished, transition into Chapter 2 study time.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

10/27 Lesson 3.1.1 + Ch. 2 Study Time

1.  Warm-up:  Cecil the tightrope walker has a new routine.  An expression of his routine can be written as:
4 · 2.5 + 1

Draw a diagram of Cecil's routine.  How far will he go?

Challenge:  What is the product (answer to a multiplication problem) of 6 1/3 and 2 1/4?

2.  Lesson 3.1.1 (page 132)  Grouping Expressions
  • Focus questions:
    • How can expressions with the same numbers and operations have different values?
    • Does the order in which we do each operation matter?
  • Problem #1 as a whole-class discussion
  • Problem #2 in teams
3.  Take out your Ch. 2 Study Guide
  • Mini-groups:
    • Simplifying expressions
    • Multiplying fractions using unit rectangle
  • Extra technology practice in Google Classroom

Monday, October 26, 2015

10/26 Lesson 2.3.2 Creating Graphs

1.  Warm-up:  Write about what you did this weekend.  Did you go to Area 55?

2.  Announcements:

  • Chapter 2 Test is Thursday
  • No homework Tuesday and Wednesday so that you can study.  Use the Study Guide you made last week (in Google Classroom)

3.  Lesson 2.3.2 Creating Graphs
  • Objectives: 
    • I will create useful graphs using my knowledge of choosing a scale
    • I will make predictions based on a graph
  • Mr. Robinett leads discussion of Problem 121
  • Teams are assigned either Challenge A or Challenge B on Problem 122.  Create a useful graph with your team
  • Additional Challenge:  Problem 123
Homework: Lesson 2.3.1 R/P

Friday, October 23, 2015

10/23 Lesson 2.3.1 How to Make a Useful Graph

1.  Warm-up:  Stick math (on the side whiteboard)

2.  Lesson 2.3.1 How can I make a useful graph?  (page 113)
  • Objectives:
    • Choose appropriate scales
    • Plot points on a graph
  • Mini-lesson:  How NOT to choose a scale
  • Do Problems 107-110 in teams
  • Dojo Challenge: Problems 111 and 112

3.  Closure:  Problem #113- Brainstorm with your team.

Homework:  Lesson 2.3.1 R/P (due Tuesday)

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

10/22 Lesson 2.2.6 Multiplying Mixed Numbers

1.  Warm-up: Review the Math Notes for multiplying using Generic Rectangles (arrays)
Solve using a generic rectangle:
     a)  83(44)                b)    63  · 63        *challenge:  74(-68)

2.  Lesson 2.2.6 Multiplying Mixed Numbers (page 109)
  • Objective:  I will develop strategies for multiplying mixed numbers
  • Do Problems 97 through 99 in teams
  • Dojo Challenge: Problem 100
3.  Strategy for multiplying fractions by integers:  Homework Help for problem # 102

Homework:  Lesson 2.2.6 R/P (answers in GC)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

10/21 Chapter 2 Closure

Today, you have 2 tasks that need to be completed.  Whatever you don't finish in class is homework tonight.

1)  Chapter 2 Closure problems (#130-138) start on page 124.
  • The purpose of closure problems is to assess your own knowledge prior to the individual test.
  • I suggest you work individually, but you may ask your teammates for help.  If you require help for a closure problem, make a note to yourself.  This is a topic that you need to practice/study.
2)  Chapter 2 Study guide
  • Correct your answers using the table on pages 127 and 128
  • Find your study guide in Google Classroom.  If you don't have access to the internet at home, take a paper copy and use that instead.
  • For any topics that you have not yet mastered (for example, you needed help from a teammate, or got the question wrong) make a study/action plan.
  • The table on pages 127 and 128 provide you with extra practice problems and Math Notes for you to review
  • You must choose at least 2 focus topics.  Even if you believe you have mastered every topic, pick 2 for extra practice

Your study guide must be completed tonight for homework


10/20 Lesson 2.2.6 Multiplying Mixed Numbers

1.  The Game!  Cecil has mastered a new, spectacular routine.  He has divided his routine into 2 parts.
a) How far along the tightrope will Cecil be after Part 1?

b) How long is his routine in Part II?

c)  What is the total length of the tightrope?  In other words, add together your answer for Part 1 and Part 2.

2.  Lesson 2.2.6 Multiplying Mixed Numbers (page 109)
  • Objective:  I will develop strategies for multiplying simple fractions and mixed numbers
  • Do Problem 95 in teams
  • Hot Potato!  Team strategy for Problem 96
  • Do Problems 97 through 99 in teams
  • Dojo Challenge: Problem 100
Homework:  Lesson 2.2.6 R/P (answers in GC)

Monday, October 19, 2015

10/19 Lesson 2.2.5 Multiplication of Portions

1.  Warm-up:  Recall that you can solve 7(96) using the distributive property.

7(96) = 7(90 + 6) = 7(90) + 7(6)

7(90) = 630 and 7(6) = 42      

630 + 42 = 672

Solve each of the following using the distributive property:

a)  4(47)                  b)     3(86)              c)   8(-108)          *Challenge:  6(-1,451)

2.  Lesson 2.2.5 Multiplication of Portions (page 105)
  • Objective:  I will create visual models for multiplication of portions (fractions)
  • Mini-lesson: Unit Rectangles
  • Do Problems 87, 88, and 89 with your team
Homework:  Lesson 2.2.5 R/P (due Tuesday)

Friday, October 16, 2015

10/16 Quiz, Distributive Property, Multiplying Portions

1.  Ch. 2 Benchmark Quiz

2.  Distributive Property Mini-Lesson

3.  Lesson 2.2.5 Multiplication of Portions
  • Objective:  I will create visual models for multiplication of portions (fractions)
  • Mini-lesson: Unit Rectangles
  • Do Problem 87 and 88 with your team
Homework:  Lesson 2.2.5 R/P (due Tuesday)

Thursday, October 15, 2015

10/15 Lesson 2.2.4 Multiplication as Repeated Addition

1.  Warm-up:

Write at least 2 expressions (a mathematical sentence) to represent each of these diagrams.

Hint:  Think about using ( ) to represent groups

2.  Announcements:
  • Ch. 2 Benchmark Quiz tomorrow will include:
    • Addition of integers (positive and negative)
    • Portions webs (converting between decimals, fractions, percents)
  • Win-a-Row tournament at lunch today! Starts promptly @ 12:25. Bring a friend.
3.  Lesson 2.2.4 Multiplication as Repeated Addition
  • Objectives:
    • I will show multiplication as repeated addition using diagrams/pictures
    • I will solve problems involving the Distributive Property
  • Multiplying (making groups) using Integer Tiles
    • 4(-2)
    • 3(-3)
    • 2(-4 + 3)
    • 3(1 + (-2)) + -3
  • Problems 74 through 76 in teams
  • Mini-lesson: Distributive Property
  • Problem 77 in teams
Homework:  2.2.4 R/P (answers in GC)

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

10/14 Lesson 2.2.4 Multiplication as Repeated Addition

1.  Warm-up:

2.  Game Time!  "Win-a-row"

3.  Lesson 2.2.4 Multiplication as Repeated Addition
  • Objective:  I will rewrite addition problems using multiplication
  • How can we use multiplication to rewrite 7 + 7 + 7 + 7?  How about 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2?
  • Problems 71 through 73 with your team
    • Focus on strategies for modeling multiplication (number line and integer tiles)

4.  Exit ticket:  Draw a visual model using either a number line or integer tiles

       a)    7(-2)

       b)    4(3) + 2

Homework:  Lesson 2.2.4 R/P due Friday

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

10/13 Lesson 2.2.3 Addition of Integers and Rational Numbers

1.  Warm-up:  Of the 3 building blocks we learned yesterday, (zero pair, addition with number line, absolute value) choose one that you feel comfortable explaining.  Prepare a short explanation to share with your classmates.

Announcement:  Ch. 1 retest is tomorrow @ lunch or after school

2.  Lesson 2.2.3  Addition of Integers and Rational Numbers
  • Objective:  I will develop more strategies for solving addition problems (with negative numbers).
    • Problem 56 with your team
    • Game time!  Win-a-row
    • Mini-lesson:  Integer addition using integer tiles
    • Problem 58 with your team
    • Class discussion:  Considering what you know, what strategy would you use to solve -200 + 14?
    • Use a similar strategy for rational number addition in Problem 60
Homework: Lesson 2.2.3 R/P (answers in GC)

Monday, October 12, 2015

10/12 Lesson 2.2.2 Zero Pairs and Absolute Value

1.  Warm-up:  No computers today. Resource Managers: grab 2 textbooks for your team to share.  Turn to page 88

2.  Lesson 2.2.2 Zero Pairs and Absolute Value
  • Objectives:
    • I will simplify expressions efficiently using zero pairs
    • I will simplify expressions involving Absolute Value
Finished with the problem early?  Don't wait around doing nothing.  Try Challenge problems #46 and 47

Do: Problem 43.  Focus word: "Zero pair."  How can we describe Cecil's movement with relation to a zero pair?

Mini-lesson:  Number line addition

Do: Problem 44

Mini-lesson:  Absolute Value

Do: Problem 45


  • Chapter 1 Re-test on Weds (at lunch or after school)
  • Minecraft tournament applications due tonight.  See blog post from Friday

Homework:  Lesson 2.2.2 R/P (answers in GC)

Friday, October 9, 2015

10/9 Lesson 2.2.2 Adding Integers and Rational Numbers

1.  Warm-up:  Stick-Math Puzzle on side whiteboard

2.  Minecraft Tournament:
3.  Lesson 2.2.2 Adding Integers and Rational Numbers
  • Key concepts:
    • Zero Pairs
    • Absolute Value
    • For rational numbers, think about money
  • Objective:  I will be able to add integers and rational numbers
  • Participation Quiz: Problems 42 and 43
    • Encourage the use of team roles
    • Finish at least the first 3 parts of problem 42
    • Timer is set for 15 minutes
4. Closure:
  • What is a zero pair?  What does a zero pair do to Cecil's movements?  Why are zero pairs important?
  • Participation Quiz debrief
Homework:  Lesson 2.2.2 R/P due on Tuesday

Thursday, October 8, 2015

10/8 Lesson 2.2.1 Composing Integers

1.  Warm-up:  Imagine that your partner was absent yesterday.  Explain to them (by writing in your warm-up section) how to quickly:
  • Convert 0.82 to a fraction
  • Convert 0.456 to a fraction
  • Convert 0.828282...(repeating) to a fraction
2.  Lesson 2.2.1 Composing Integers
  • Tightrope walking video.
  • Objective:  I will be able to compose numbers in multiple ways
  • Do: Problems 31 through 34
  • Challenge: Problem 35
3.  Closure:  Refer back to problem 34.  Does the order that Cecil moves in matter?

Homework:  Lesson 2.2.1 R/P (answers in GC)

Ch. 1 Test Rework due tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

10/7 Lesson 2.1.2 Rewriting Decimals as Fractions

1.  Warm-up:  Instead of a computer, grab a calculator today.  Then try this warm-up problem:

2.  How did you and your partner write 0.75 as a fraction?  Are there multiple ways to do it?


3.  Lesson 2.1.2 Rewriting Decimals as Fractions

  • Objective:  I will rewrite decimals as fractions using what I know about the place value system.
  • Do: Problem 2-19 with your team.  Check that your answer is correct using a calculator
  • Discuss: Problem 2-20 with your team.  Recorder/Reporter, be prepared to share out your team's idea
  • Math Walk: Convert the fractions into decimals.  Can you find a pattern?
  • Do: Problem 2-21 g) through i)
  • Challenge:  Problem 2-23
Homework: Lesson 2.1.2 Review/Preview (answers in GC, please correct before coming to class)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

10/6 Chapter 1 Test Rework

1.  Sign in, grab your Chapter 1 Test, and compare answers with your new teammates.

2.  Chapter 1 rework.
  • Most missed problems: Question 2, Equivalent Fractions, and Area of triangle
  • Complete the "Ninja Problem" for every question you got incorrect
  • Completed reworks are due on Friday
  • Make-up tests available only to students who turn in their reworks ON TIME!
    • The highest possible grade on a make-up test is 80%
    • Make-up test will be offered next Weds. at lunch or after school.
3.  Finished with your Ninja problems?  You get to play Minecraft Sheep Probability!  Mr. Robinett must check that you have completed all Ninja Problems first.

  1. Find other students who also rocked the test. You will create TEAMS of two to four people. You will need to sit together.  
  2. In APPLICATIONS, GO TO MINECRAFT UPDATE LOMS. You will go to MULTIPLAYER then the LOMS 3rd Server and work on the MINECRAFT Probability Sheep Quest. Please be sure to right click on all signs under the BLUE "i". Be sure to read and follow all instructions in the game and record your work in your MATH NOTEBOOK!

Homework:  Chapter 1 Test Rework is due on Friday.  Converting fractions into decimals (denominator-class 2 through 9) will be checked tomorrow.

Monday, October 5, 2015

10/5 Repeating and Terminating Decimals

1.  Warm-up: Math puzzle- Check the side white board

2.  Check your Chapter 2 ILP grade in PowerSchool
  • Take a screen shot of ALL Buzz Math activities that you worked on, even if it isn't complete
  • Take a picture of your Puzzle Investigator work.  A completed Puzzle Investigator must have these components and look like this.
  • The Chapter 2 ILP consisted of 4 activities, each 2 points each.
  • You will not receive credit for a Not Yet... activity that you already mastered (Rocked it).
  • Did you receive a fair grade for your Chapter 2 ILP?  
    • If not, update your ILP so that it reflects all of your work, including work in progress.  Email Mr. Robinett telling him what you added/changed and why you deserve to be re-graded.
3.  Lesson 2.1.1 Repeating and Terminating Decimals
  • In Google Classroom, NOT in eBook
  • Objective: I will convert fractions into decimals, noting which fractions result in repeating decimals.
Homework:  Finish converting all fractions in denominator-classes 2 through 9 into decimals.  See detailed instructions in Google Classroom

Friday, October 2, 2015

10/2 Chapter 1 Individual Test

When you are finished with your test, you may:

No Homework!  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

9/30 Chapter 1 Study Guide

1.  No warm-up today.  Take out your study guides

2.  Mini-group and study guide time

Challenge problem:

Design a probability experiment that meets the following requirements:

  • P(red or blue) = 2/5
  • P(not green) = 2/3
  • P(orange) = 1/10
  • There are 5 colors in the sample space

Homework:  Study for Ch. 1 Test (tomorrow) & Ch. 2 ILP (due tomorrow)