Wednesday, October 14, 2015

10/14 Lesson 2.2.4 Multiplication as Repeated Addition

1.  Warm-up:

2.  Game Time!  "Win-a-row"

3.  Lesson 2.2.4 Multiplication as Repeated Addition
  • Objective:  I will rewrite addition problems using multiplication
  • How can we use multiplication to rewrite 7 + 7 + 7 + 7?  How about 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2?
  • Problems 71 through 73 with your team
    • Focus on strategies for modeling multiplication (number line and integer tiles)

4.  Exit ticket:  Draw a visual model using either a number line or integer tiles

       a)    7(-2)

       b)    4(3) + 2

Homework:  Lesson 2.2.4 R/P due Friday