Wednesday, October 28, 2015

10/28 Lesson 3.1.1 + Ch 2 Study Time

1.  Warm-up:  Consider the expression  5 + 3 · 4 + 2

a)  Draw a diagram (integer tiles) of the expression
b)  What is the value of the expression?

2.  Lesson 3.1.1 (page 132)  Grouping Expressions

  • Math Notes: Numerical Term
  • For each of the following expressions:
    • Circle the terms
    • Simplify the expression (find the answer)
     a)  -3 + 7 + 4(-2)             b)  6 · 4 + 8 · -2

    c)   1 + 1(-5) + 4             d)   5 + 4 · 3 · 2 + (-6)

3.  When your team is finished, transition into Chapter 2 study time.