Monday, October 5, 2015

10/5 Repeating and Terminating Decimals

1.  Warm-up: Math puzzle- Check the side white board

2.  Check your Chapter 2 ILP grade in PowerSchool
  • Take a screen shot of ALL Buzz Math activities that you worked on, even if it isn't complete
  • Take a picture of your Puzzle Investigator work.  A completed Puzzle Investigator must have these components and look like this.
  • The Chapter 2 ILP consisted of 4 activities, each 2 points each.
  • You will not receive credit for a Not Yet... activity that you already mastered (Rocked it).
  • Did you receive a fair grade for your Chapter 2 ILP?  
    • If not, update your ILP so that it reflects all of your work, including work in progress.  Email Mr. Robinett telling him what you added/changed and why you deserve to be re-graded.
3.  Lesson 2.1.1 Repeating and Terminating Decimals
  • In Google Classroom, NOT in eBook
  • Objective: I will convert fractions into decimals, noting which fractions result in repeating decimals.
Homework:  Finish converting all fractions in denominator-classes 2 through 9 into decimals.  See detailed instructions in Google Classroom