Monday, October 19, 2015

10/19 Lesson 2.2.5 Multiplication of Portions

1.  Warm-up:  Recall that you can solve 7(96) using the distributive property.

7(96) = 7(90 + 6) = 7(90) + 7(6)

7(90) = 630 and 7(6) = 42      

630 + 42 = 672

Solve each of the following using the distributive property:

a)  4(47)                  b)     3(86)              c)   8(-108)          *Challenge:  6(-1,451)

2.  Lesson 2.2.5 Multiplication of Portions (page 105)
  • Objective:  I will create visual models for multiplication of portions (fractions)
  • Mini-lesson: Unit Rectangles
  • Do Problems 87, 88, and 89 with your team
Homework:  Lesson 2.2.5 R/P (due Tuesday)