Tuesday, January 5, 2016

1/5 Lesson 4.2.4 Proportions: putting it all together

1.  Warm-up:  Grab a Proportions Web from the center of the table.  Under "Graph", write the ways you know a graph is proportional.  Under "Table", write the ways you know a table is proportional.

Announcement:  Chapter 4 Test next Weds.
Topics to study:

  • Scale drawings/ scale factor
  • Creating a graph
  • Is it proportional?  Determine by looking at tables and graphs
  • Unit Rate
  • Simplifying expressions (Ch. 3 skills)
  • Probability

2.  Quiz: Is it proportional?
  • Go to Socrative.com --> Room code: Robinett
3.  Lesson 4.2.4  Proportional relationships in different representations
  • Objective:  I will represent proportional relationships in different ways: tables, graphs and rules.
  • As you work today, focus on the connections you can make between the different representations.  Write these connections above the arrows on your Proportions Web.  
  • Also, describe how the unit rate (constant of proportionality) can be found in each of the different representations.
  • Problems 55 through 57 in teams
    • Change 56 to "9 miles in 1.5 hours"
Homework:  Lesson 4.2.4 R/P # 60, 61, 63 only