Wednesday, January 6, 2016

1/6 Lesson 4.2.4 Generating Rules for Proportional Relationships

1.  Warm-up:  Find the unit rate of the following situations

a)  Alex delivers newspapers to save money for college.  He earns $2.75 for every 15 minutes of work.

b)  Frozen yogurt at Jell E. Bean's yogurt shop costs $33 for 6 pounds of yogurt.

c)  Ms. Rickard bought a new Toyota RAV4.  She drove 280 miles using 8 gallons of gas.

**Challenge:  How many miles could Ms. Rickard drive using 15 gallons of gas?

2.  Mini-lesson:  Generate a rule (equation) for proportional relationships
  • I want to know how far Ms. Rickard can drive for ANY amount of gas.  We need to create a rule that will tell us this information quickly
  • k · x = y
    • k --> unit rate
    • x --> independent variable
    • y --> dependent variable

3.  Now you try:  Write an equation for parts a) and b) from the warm-up
  • Challenge #1:  Use your equation to find out how much money Alex will earn if he works for 50 hours.
  • Challenge #2:  Use your equation to find out how much yogurt a customer could get with $8.40

4.  Begin team projects:
  • Create a Proportions Web for your assigned problem (situation, unit rate, table, graph, rule)
  • Explain how the unit rate can be found in each of the different representations
  • What connections can you see between the different representations?

Homework:  Lesson 4.2.4 R/P #66-69