Thursday, January 7, 2016

1/7 Finish Posters & Ch. 4 Closure

1.  Warm-up:  Write a story (situation) that could describe this rule.

1.45 · x = y         x = pounds, y = total cost

2.  Continue working on Team Poster
  • Create a Proportions Web for your assigned problem (situation, unit rate, table, graph, rule)
  • Explain how the unit rate can be found in each of the different representations
  • What connections can you see between the different representations?
3.  Chapter 4 Closure problems on page 237
  • Do problem #123, 125-129
  • These types of problems might be on the Chapter 4 test
  • As you work on these problems, self-assess your understanding.
  • Correct your answers using the table on page 241
Homework:  Ch. 5 ILP due tomorrow