Friday, February 19, 2016

2/19 Lesson 5.3.3, The 5-D Process

1.  Warm-up:  Walk and Talk: Rally Robin

  • Write down a list of things you plan on doing this weekend

2.  Announcement:  Ch. 5 Test next Friday, 2/26
  • Algebra Tiles
  • Percents
  • Probability (District Common Assessment)
  • 5-D Process
3.  Lesson 5.3.3, The 5-D Process
  • Objective:  I will use the 5-D Process to organize my thinking and solve challenging problems
  • Essential Questions:
    • How can we describe the problem?
    • How can we organize the columns?
    • How can we decide which number to test?
  • 5-D worksheet with 3 problems
  • Dojo Challenge: Problem 118
4.  CSA: Essential Question poster