Thursday, February 25, 2016

2/25 Chapter 5 Test Prep & Probability Game

Take out your Test Prep packet from yesterday.
  • Mini-groups: What do you most want to work on?
  • Check your answers using the answer key on the front whiteboard
After finishing the Test Prep you have 2 options

Option 1:  More Practice!
  • For more 5-D practice, try more of the insect problems from Lesson 5.3.5 (page 304)
  • If you got the PERCENTS PROBLEM wrong, try CLOSURE problem CL 5-149.
  • If you got the 5D Process problem wrong, try CLOSURE problem CL 5-150
  • If you got the Probability problem wrong, try CLOSURE problem CL 5-151
  • If you got the Algebra Tiles problem wrong, try CLOSURE problem CL 5-154
Option 2:  Work on Probability Project