Wednesday, February 3, 2016

2/3 Lesson 5.2.3 & Quiz Study TIme

1.  Warm-up:
Copy the following definitions into the "CLASSWORK" section of your notebook.

Compound event:  A probability experiment with 2 or more events  (ex: rolling 2 number cubes)

Independent events:  One event DOES NOT affect the outcome of another event  (ex:  rolling 2 number cubes)

Dependent events:  One event DOES affect the outcome of another event (ex:  drawing a card, not replacing it, then drawing another card)

2.  Lesson 5.2.3  Introduction to Compound Events
  • Problem 47: 4 minutes to discuss in teams
  • Problem 44:  Is "rock-paper-scissors" a fair game?  Prove it mathematically
  • Dojo Challenge: Problem 46
3.  Algebra Tiles / Percent Quiz Practice (CPM Chapter 5.1 Review)

Homework:  Prepare for Quiz by completing CPM Chapter 5.1 Review and Ch. 5 Closure #149 and 154