Thursday, December 17, 2015

12/17 Number Sense Quiz; Lessons 4.2.1/4.2.2 Tidy-up

1.  Number Sense Quiz

2.  Tidy up Lessons 4.2.1 and 4.2.2
  • Focus questions:
    • How can you use a table to decide if a relationship is proportional?
    • How can you use a graph to decide if a relationship is proportional?
  • 4 graphs side by side with their tables underneath
    • 3 relationships are proportional, 1 is not.  Can you find the one that is not proportional?  What makes it different from the rest?  Explain what is different about the graph.  Explain what is different about the table.
  • Math Notes:  Proportions in tables and graphs
3.  Now you try:  Problems 37 through 39 in teams (page 204)

No Homework tonight!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

12/16 Prepare for Number Sense Quiz

1.  Grab a Number Sense practice packet from the guest teacher.  This will help you prepare for the Number Sense quiz tomorrow.

You may work quietly with a partner at your table group, but you may not move around the classroom.

Try at least 5 problems on every page!  Do not spend the entire period working on one page.  Practice each of the skills multiple times

Use a calculator only to check your answers!

2.  If you finish the practice packet early, grab a computer and continue working on your Ch. 5 ILP

Homework:  Continue practicing for the quiz tomorrow

12/15 Lesson 4.2.2

1.  Warm-up:  Examine the graphs from Lesson 4.2.1  Copy the T-chart (on side whiteboard) in your notebook and discuss with your team:  What similarities and differences do you note between the two graphs?

2.  Lesson 4.2.2 Proportional Relationships with Tables and Graphs
  • Objective:  I will be able to recognize a proportional relationship by looking at either a table or a graph
  • Problem 34: Graph Penny Tower data by hand
  • Problem 35: Graph using Desmos.  Answer questions on the half-sheet as a team.  Be prepared to share out your team's answers.
  • Whole class discussion:
    • How can you use a table to decide whether a relationship is proportional?
    • How can you use a graph to decide whether a relationship is proportional?
3.  Exit ticket- Did you meet the objective?

  • Problems 37 and 38
Homework:  4.2.2 R/P (answers in GC) 

Monday, December 14, 2015

12/14 Lesson 4.2.1 Recognizing Proportional Relationships

1.  Warm-up:  Number Sense problems (on side whiteboard)

2.  Announcements:
  • Chapter 4 ILP, due last Monday, is in the grade book.  Too many zeros and incomplete.
  • Chapter 5 ILP due Friday 1/8.  Paper copies available
  • Number Sense quiz on Thursday.  It will be very similar to our Chapter 3 Test
3.  Lesson 4.2.1 Recognizing Proportional Relationships
  • Review from Friday:  Gustavo's College Fund
  • Problems 22 through 24 as team/whole class discussion
  • Problem 25 in teams.  Copy the ratio table into your notebook.
  • Problem 26 in teams.  Make a T-chart (like the one on the side whiteboard) to examine the similarities and differences.
Homework:  Lesson 4.2.1 R/P (answers in GC)

Friday, December 11, 2015

Finish Lesson 4.1.2, Start Lesson 4.2.1 Recognizing Proportional Relationships

1.  Warm-up:

Investigate each pair of figures.  Are the pair of figures similar?  How do you know?

2.  Add percent practice and similar figures (dot paper) to CPM Notebooks

Period 1:  Take the Chapter 5 pre-assessment in Google Classroom (if you haven't already)

While waiting for everyone to finish, you may work on your ILP.  I have paper copies for people who won't have internet access over the break.

Period 2:  Finish the scale drawing from yesterday (10 minute timer)

3.  Finish Lesson 4.1.2.  Do problem #13 in teams (5 minute timer)

4.  Start Lesson 4.2.1 Recognizing Proportional Relationships
  • Problems 21 through 23 as team/whole class discussion

Homework:  Lesson 4.2.1 R/P due Tuesday

Thursday, December 10, 2015

12/10 Lesson 4.1.2 Creating a Scale Drawing

1.  Warm-up:

a)  Is the copy an enlargement or reduction of the original?

b)  Examine 3 pairs of corresponding sides.  What is the ratio of their length? Copy/Original

c)  Using your answer from part b, state the scale factor.

2.  Lesson 4.1.2 Creating a Scale Drawing (page 192)
  • Objectives:
    • I will create a scale drawing given a specific set of actual measurements
    • I will use scale drawings to solve problems
  • Problem 12 in teams (objective #1)
    • Choose a scale
    • Draw the lot first
    • Use a ruler!
  • Problem 13 in teams (objective #2)
  • Dojo Challenge:  Problem 15
Homework:  Lesson 4.1.2 R/P (answers in GC)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

12/9 Lesson 4.1.1 Similar Figures

1.  Warm-up:  Convert the following percents into decimals

a)  50%      b)  300%    c)  142%     d)  7.5%   

2.  Lesson 4.1.1 Similar Figures (page 188)
  • Objective:  I will identify corresponding sides of similar figures and compare their ratios
  • Similar figures video.
  • Vocabulary building:
    • Enlargement
    • Reduction
    • Scale Factor
    • Corresponding Sides
  • Problem #1 as whole class
  • Problem #2-4 in teams
3.  Closure:  How do you identify similar figures?  What can you conclude about two figures if you know they are similar?  (You may want to read problem #4 to help you with these questions)

Homework:  4.1.1 R/P (answers in GC)

Monday, December 7, 2015

12/8 ILP Day

1.  Warm-up:  Diamond problem (on side whiteboard)

2.  Test Corrections available in the back of the classroom on Table 5.  Complete the problems to earn back points from our Chapter 3 test.  Available to those students who earned less than 10 points.

3.  Assign New ILP: Preparing for Chapter 5

Period 1 instructions:  Go to Google Classroom and take the Chapter 5 Pre-assessment

Log-on to your computer and check your email.  You have received your new ILP.  Because we were unable to do the pre-assessment yesterday, you will just need to choose the activities you would like to work on today.

Period 2 instructions:  Log-on to your computer and check your email.  You have received your new ILP based on your pre-assessment.
  • Highlight any "Not Yet..." activities that you need to complete
  • Highlight "Rocked It!" activities that you will complete
  • You must highlight a total of 3 activities
  • ILP is due 1/7/16, the Friday we return from break

4.  Work on your ILP

12/7 Return Chapter 3 Tests, Begin Lesson 4.1.1

1.  Warm-up: Diamond problem

2.  Weekly Privilege Prize

3.  Change seats!  Log on to new computers.  Create a team high five!

4.  Pass back Tests
  • Feedback
  • Re-collect District Common Assessments
5.  Chapter 5 pre-assessment (in Google Classroom)

6.  Time permitting: % Conversion.  Glue into notebooks

Homework:  Finish Percent to decimal conversion worksheet.

Friday, December 4, 2015

12/4 Chapter 3 Test

After you have finished the test, turn it face down on your desk and:
ILP is due on Monday

Thursday, December 3, 2015

12/3 Chapter 3 Practice

1.  Warm-up:  Diamond problems on side whiteboard

2.  Continue Chapter 3 Practice

Tonight's homework:  Finish Chapter 3 Closure #131, 135-137.  Correct the answers using the table at the end of the Closure section.  Use the table to practice problems that you have not yet mastered.

ILP due date moved to Monday, 12/7

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

12/2 Chapter 3 Review and Practice

1.  No warm-up. Grab your computer, log on, and be ready to review and practice!

2.  Chapter 3 Review and Practice
  • Chapter 3 "note card"
    • As you work today, write down strategies and examples for the different types of problems you solve
    • You will be able to use your note card on the test!
  • Chapter 3 Review Problems
    • Parts a) and b) Individually
      • assess your understanding
    • Parts c) and d) Sage and Scribe
    • Parts e) and f)  Free choice (individual or partner)
    • Check your answers in Google Classroom

Homework: Chapter 3 Closure problems #131, 135-137
                  ILP is due on Friday 12/4 (paper copies available)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

12/1 Lesson 3.3.3 Properties of Arithmetic

1.  Warm-up (on side whiteboard):  Use the Commutative Property to strategically re-arrange the expressions. Most can be solved using mental math!

2.  Finish Lesson 3.3.3 Properties of Arithmetic

  • Objective:  I will strategically use Properties of Arithmetic to rewrite expressions into simpler, easy to solve, problems.
  • Problem 114 in teams. Stoplight problem!
  • Mini-lesson: Rewriting subtraction as addition to make problem-solving more efficient
  • Problem 118 in teams. This is great practice for the test!  When team has consensus, check using Top Secret: Answer Key
Homework: Lesson 3.3.3 R/P  #125-129

Monday, November 30, 2015

11/30 Lesson 3.3.3 Properties of Arithmetic

1.  Problem 112 as warm-up:

2.  Lesson 3.3.3 Properties of Arithmetic
  • Objective:  I will strategically use properties of arithmetic to make simplifying expressions easier
  • Mini-lesson: Commutative and Associative properties of addition
  • Debate:
    • Does the Commutative property work for other operations?
    • Does the Associative property work for other operations?
  • Now you try:  Efficiently simplify the expressions on the side whiteboard

3.  Announcements:
  • Individual Test on Friday, Team Test on Wednesday
  • ILP due on Friday (paper copies available)
  • Math Counts meeting tomorrow at lunch in Mr. Kirby's room
Homework:  3.3.3 R/P #120-124 (due Tuesday)

Friday, November 20, 2015

11/20 Checkpoint Quiz, Mini-groups, ILP

1.  Chapter 3 Checkpoint Quiz

2.  Dedicated time for self-assessment, improvement, and ILP
  • Mini-groups:
    • Dividing Fractions
    • Chapter 3 Checkpoint: Multiplying rational numbers
    • Multiplying/Dividing negative numbers
    • Putting it all together:  Simplifying expressions with rational numbers
No homework, but remember, ILP is due the Friday we get back. Have a great break!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

11/19 Lesson 3.3.2 Dividing Decimals

1.  Entrance Ticket:  Take a yellow sheet of paper from your table.  Solve the 2 problems on the side whiteboard.

2.  Lesson 3.3.2 Dividing Decimals (page 168)
  • Objective:  I will solve division of decimals problems by re-writing the problem as whole-number division.
  • Problem 99 in teams.  Stoplight!  Don't move on when your team is finished.  Can you come up with a different way to solve the problem?
  • Mini-lesson:  Dividing decimals
  • Problems 101 through 104 in teams
  • Dojo Challenge: Problem 105
Homework: 3.3.2 R/P (answers in GC)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

11/18 Lesson 3.3.1 Dividing rational numbers

1.  Warm-up:

a)  Explain what "reciprocal" means (also known as multiplicative inverse).  Don't know?  Read the Math Notes on page 160

b)  Find the reciprocal of:
  • 3/4
  • 1/8
  • 2 4/5
2.  Lesson 3.3.1 Dividing Rational Numbers
  • Objective:  I will develop strategies for dividing rational numbers
  • Problem 87 as individuals (led by Mr. Robinett)
  • Problem 88 as team discussion.
  • Problem 89 as mini-lesson
    • Dividing fractions using reciprocal and Giant One
    • Dividing fractions by finding a common denominator
3.  Now you try.  Solve each problem using BOTH strategies.  Once your group has consensus, check your answers in the Top Secret: Answer Key folder on top of the computer cart.

a)  4/5 divided by 1/2                       b)  2 1/2 divided by 3/4

c)  1 2/3 divided by 4/6                    d)  -3 1/5 divided by 2 1/2

Dojo Challenge Problems:  #90 and #92 on page 164

Homework:  Lesson 3.3.1 R/P (answers in GC)

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

11/17 Lesson 3.2.5 Operations with Integers

1.  Warm-up (on side whiteboard):  A multiplication with decimals problem has been solved 2 ways.

Analyze each method and explain the student's thinking.  Which method is correct? Why?

2.  Pass back quiz/pre-assessment
  • Preparing for Ch. 4 ILP is due 12/4 (Friday we get back from break)
    • Complete 2 activities for full credit
    • Puzzle Investigator is extra credit (after completing 2 required activities)

3.  Check grades in PowerSchool
  • Progress Reports out on Friday
  • Check your R/P grade.  Not showing credit for an assignment you did? Find the R/P in your notebook and see Mr. Robinett before school, at nutrition, after school.
4.  Lesson 3.2.5 Operations with Integers
  • Play Tug-O-War game
  • Analyze the game

Homework:  Lesson 3.2.5 R/P (answers in GC)

Monday, November 16, 2015

11/16 Lesson 3.2.4 Multiplying Decimals

1.  Warm-up:  Complete the Generic Rectangle on the front whiteboard

2.  Finish Lesson 3.2.4 Multiplying Decimals
  • Objectives:
    • I will understand how decimal multiplication works and where to place the decimal point
    • I will develop strategies (generic rectangle, hundredths grid, fractions, estimation, algorithm) to solve decimal multiplication problems.
  • Team check marks!
    • Problems 68 through 71 in teams.  After reaching consensus, place a check mark on the side whiteboard
  • Dojo Challenge: Problem 72
3.  Closure:  How do you know where to place the decimal point when solving a multiplication problem?

Homework:  Lesson 3.2.4 R/P skip #75 (due Tuesday) 

Friday, November 13, 2015

11/13 Ch. 4 Pre-assessment, Ch. 3 Quiz and Lesson 3.2.4

1.  Pre-assessment and quiz

When you are finished, start on R/P problems 76 and 77.

2.  Lesson 3.2.4 Multiplying Decimals  (page 154)
  • Objective:  I will use multiple strategies for solving decimal multiplication problems
  • Problem 64 as mini-lesson: Hundredth grids
  • Problems 65 and 66 in teams
  • Dojo Challenge: Problem 67
Homework:  Lesson 3.2.4 R/P skip #75 (due Tuesday) 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

11/12 Lesson 3.2.3 Multiplication of Negative Integers

1.  Warm-up:  IN CLASSWORK section- For each of the following expressions, make a prediction without actually calculating the answer.  Will the result be positive or negative?

a) -1 - (-6.5)                 b)  2.2 - (-2.2)

c)  -14 - (-12)               d)  -10 - (-2) - (-2) - (-2)

2.  Lesson 3.2.3 Multiplication of Negative Integers

  • Objective:  I will understand why multiplying two negative integers results in a positive
  • Class discussion
  • Now you try:
    • Draw a diagram and find the result
      •  -2(-5)
      •  -3(-3)
      •  -6(2)
      •   3(-4)
3.  Closure:  How do you think this will work with division?  Use -18 divided by 9 as an example.  Can you draw a diagram to represent this problem?

Homework:  Lesson 3.2.3 R/P (answers in GC)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

11/10 Connecting Subtraction with Addition

1.  Team warm-up:

Put 10 negative (-) tiles in the middle of your table.

Find at least 4 sequences of steps (adding or removing any number of + and - tiles) that result in a collection of tiles that equal -4.

Represent each of these sequences with an expression.

Focus questions:

a)  Are any of your expressions more efficient than the others?  Efficient means that it requires less steps, or less work.

b)  How many different expressions can you create that accomplish this task in only one step?

2.  Lesson 3.2.2 Connecting Subtraction with Addition

  • Objective:  I will rewrite subtraction problems as addition
  • Problems 40 through 43 (page 145) in teams.
    • Use Team Roles script! Remember your team handshakes?
    • Place a check mark on the side whiteboard when your team finishes a problem.  You must have consensus before placing a check mark and moving on
  • Dojo Challenge: Problem 44

3.  Closure:  Explain how subtraction and addition are related.  Use examples with diagrams to justify your response.

4.  Announcements:
  • Chapter 2 re-test today (at lunch or after school)
  • Chapter 3 Homework Help doc is in Google Classroom
  • Ms. Rickard is making Homework Help videos!  Check them out on the link posted in GC or on Mr. R's website under the eBook and Resources tab

Homework:  Lesson 3.2.2 R/P (answers in GC)

Monday, November 9, 2015

11/9 Simplifying Expression using Subtraction

Turn in your Chapter 2 Ninja Problems (Rework) into the yellow folder on Table 5

1.  Warm-up:  Quietly take a handful of integer tiles from your bin.  

Solve the following problems using integer tiles.  
Write the resulting mathematical expression in your warm-up section.

a)  Start with 6 negative tiles.  Remove 4 negative tiles.

b)  Start with 3 positive, 5 negative tiles.  Remove 2 positive tiles.

c)  Start with 4 positive tiles.  Remove 3 negative tiles.  How are you going to do this?

d)  -4 - 5

2.  Announcements:

  • Chapter 2 Re-test tomorrow (lunch or after school)

3.  Mini-lesson:  Subtraction using a number line

4.  Finish Lesson 3.2.1- Subtraction of Integers

  • Problem 27 (on side whiteboard)
  • Dojo Challenge: Problem 28 and 32 on page 141

No Homework tonight!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

11/5 Lesson 3.2.1 Subtracting Integers

1.  Warm-up:

  • Period 1:  Turn to classwork, add title (Lesson 3.2.1), make a collection of 8 negative tiles and 7 positive tiles.  What integer does this represent?

  • Period 2:  Turn to classwork, add title (Lesson 3.2.1), wait for Mr. R's instructions

2.  Lesson 3.2.1 Subtracting Integers
  • Objective:  I will develop strategies for subtracting integers
  • Focus Question:  "When does subtracting make the result larger?"
  • Do Problem 26 in teams using the Team Roles Script
    • Finished early? Try Additional Challenge #32
3.  Closure:  With your team, answer the following questions.  Make sure that everyone shares their ideas, and that you agree on a team answer.

  • How can we remove negative tiles when the collection only has positive tiles?
  • When does subtracting make the result larger?
Homework:  3.2.1 R/P due Monday
                   Chapter 2 rework due Monday, re-test on Tuesday

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

11/4 Team Building, Goal Setting

1.  Warm-up:  Take a moment to reflect on what you have achieved so far in math this year.  Then, answer the following questions.

a)  What is your goal for Chapter 3?

b)  What will you do to achieve that goal?

2.  Class meeting
  • Share out our goals
  • Hold each other accountable for attaining our goals
3.  Team High Fives/Handshakes

4.  CPM Team Roles Script
  • Fishbowl:  Observe and take notes of the positive team dynamics you see.  Observers must be silent.
  • Example Problem:
    • Work with your team to add parentheses to  4 + 2 · 5 + (-3) so that the resulting expression has the smallest possible value.  Then find a different way to add parentheses to the same expression so that it has the largest possible value. 
5.  Begin Lesson 3.2.1 Subtraction of Integers
  • Objective:  I will develop strategies for subtracting integers

Homework:  Lesson 3.2.1 R/P (checked on Monday)

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

11/3 Chapter 2 Test Rework

New Seats and Teams!  Find your seat and log on to your new computer.  Make sure your computer number matches the number on your table.

1.  Warm-up:   3 1/2 + 4(3 1/5) + 6(-2)

a)  Circle the terms in the expression

b)  Simplify the expression

*Use the example on the side whiteboard to help you

2.  Chapter 2 Homework Help Heroes!

3.  Chapter 2 Test Rework
  • Pass back tests
  • Rework all incorrect answers. DO NOT write on your original test
  • Complete the Ninja Problems (only for questions you missed on the test)

4.  Check Review/Preview grades in PowerSchool
  • Are there assignments you did--you can locate them in your notebook-- that you don't have credit for?  See Mr. Robinett before school, at nutrition, or after school to show him your notebook.

5.  Finished with the Rework?  Partner up with someone else who has finished and play "Aim for 16."  Find the game rules in Google Classroom

Rework and Extra Ninja practice is due Monday, 11/9
Re-test (for those who scored below 80%) is on Tuesday, 11/10

Extra credit opportunity:  Play Aim for 16 with your family (at least 5 rounds).  Keep track of the results of each roll, as well as the expressions you and your family create.  Show Mr. Robinett during R/P check

Monday, November 2, 2015

11/2 Lesson 3.1.2 Identifying Terms in Expressions

1.  Warm-up:       3(5 + 2 · 4) + 2(-3)

a)  Draw a diagram to represent this problem (either a Cecil number line or + and - tiles)

b)  How would you circle terms in this expression?  Be ready to explain your ideas

2.  Lesson 3.1.2  Identifying Terms in Expressions

  • Objective:  I will circle terms and "chunks" to make challenging expressions easier to simplify
  • Problem 15 in teams (15 minute timer)
  • Game time: Aim for 16
Homework:  Lesson 3.1.2 R/P

Friday, October 30, 2015

10/30 Halloween Themed Math

1.  The Game:  Grouping Challenge!

1 + 3 · 2 + 8 + (-4)

Add parentheses to the above expression to:

a)  Make the lowest possible answer
b)  Make the greatest possible answer

2.  Halloween-themed math (in Google Classroom)

No homework this weekend!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

10/29 Ch 2 Test

When you are finished with your test, you may:

No Homework tonight!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

10/28 Lesson 3.1.1 + Ch 2 Study Time

1.  Warm-up:  Consider the expression  5 + 3 · 4 + 2

a)  Draw a diagram (integer tiles) of the expression
b)  What is the value of the expression?

2.  Lesson 3.1.1 (page 132)  Grouping Expressions

  • Math Notes: Numerical Term
  • For each of the following expressions:
    • Circle the terms
    • Simplify the expression (find the answer)
     a)  -3 + 7 + 4(-2)             b)  6 · 4 + 8 · -2

    c)   1 + 1(-5) + 4             d)   5 + 4 · 3 · 2 + (-6)

3.  When your team is finished, transition into Chapter 2 study time.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

10/27 Lesson 3.1.1 + Ch. 2 Study Time

1.  Warm-up:  Cecil the tightrope walker has a new routine.  An expression of his routine can be written as:
4 · 2.5 + 1

Draw a diagram of Cecil's routine.  How far will he go?

Challenge:  What is the product (answer to a multiplication problem) of 6 1/3 and 2 1/4?

2.  Lesson 3.1.1 (page 132)  Grouping Expressions
  • Focus questions:
    • How can expressions with the same numbers and operations have different values?
    • Does the order in which we do each operation matter?
  • Problem #1 as a whole-class discussion
  • Problem #2 in teams
3.  Take out your Ch. 2 Study Guide
  • Mini-groups:
    • Simplifying expressions
    • Multiplying fractions using unit rectangle
  • Extra technology practice in Google Classroom

Monday, October 26, 2015

10/26 Lesson 2.3.2 Creating Graphs

1.  Warm-up:  Write about what you did this weekend.  Did you go to Area 55?

2.  Announcements:

  • Chapter 2 Test is Thursday
  • No homework Tuesday and Wednesday so that you can study.  Use the Study Guide you made last week (in Google Classroom)

3.  Lesson 2.3.2 Creating Graphs
  • Objectives: 
    • I will create useful graphs using my knowledge of choosing a scale
    • I will make predictions based on a graph
  • Mr. Robinett leads discussion of Problem 121
  • Teams are assigned either Challenge A or Challenge B on Problem 122.  Create a useful graph with your team
  • Additional Challenge:  Problem 123
Homework: Lesson 2.3.1 R/P

Friday, October 23, 2015

10/23 Lesson 2.3.1 How to Make a Useful Graph

1.  Warm-up:  Stick math (on the side whiteboard)

2.  Lesson 2.3.1 How can I make a useful graph?  (page 113)
  • Objectives:
    • Choose appropriate scales
    • Plot points on a graph
  • Mini-lesson:  How NOT to choose a scale
  • Do Problems 107-110 in teams
  • Dojo Challenge: Problems 111 and 112

3.  Closure:  Problem #113- Brainstorm with your team.

Homework:  Lesson 2.3.1 R/P (due Tuesday)

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

10/22 Lesson 2.2.6 Multiplying Mixed Numbers

1.  Warm-up: Review the Math Notes for multiplying using Generic Rectangles (arrays)
Solve using a generic rectangle:
     a)  83(44)                b)    63  · 63        *challenge:  74(-68)

2.  Lesson 2.2.6 Multiplying Mixed Numbers (page 109)
  • Objective:  I will develop strategies for multiplying mixed numbers
  • Do Problems 97 through 99 in teams
  • Dojo Challenge: Problem 100
3.  Strategy for multiplying fractions by integers:  Homework Help for problem # 102

Homework:  Lesson 2.2.6 R/P (answers in GC)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

10/21 Chapter 2 Closure

Today, you have 2 tasks that need to be completed.  Whatever you don't finish in class is homework tonight.

1)  Chapter 2 Closure problems (#130-138) start on page 124.
  • The purpose of closure problems is to assess your own knowledge prior to the individual test.
  • I suggest you work individually, but you may ask your teammates for help.  If you require help for a closure problem, make a note to yourself.  This is a topic that you need to practice/study.
2)  Chapter 2 Study guide
  • Correct your answers using the table on pages 127 and 128
  • Find your study guide in Google Classroom.  If you don't have access to the internet at home, take a paper copy and use that instead.
  • For any topics that you have not yet mastered (for example, you needed help from a teammate, or got the question wrong) make a study/action plan.
  • The table on pages 127 and 128 provide you with extra practice problems and Math Notes for you to review
  • You must choose at least 2 focus topics.  Even if you believe you have mastered every topic, pick 2 for extra practice

Your study guide must be completed tonight for homework


10/20 Lesson 2.2.6 Multiplying Mixed Numbers

1.  The Game!  Cecil has mastered a new, spectacular routine.  He has divided his routine into 2 parts.
a) How far along the tightrope will Cecil be after Part 1?

b) How long is his routine in Part II?

c)  What is the total length of the tightrope?  In other words, add together your answer for Part 1 and Part 2.

2.  Lesson 2.2.6 Multiplying Mixed Numbers (page 109)
  • Objective:  I will develop strategies for multiplying simple fractions and mixed numbers
  • Do Problem 95 in teams
  • Hot Potato!  Team strategy for Problem 96
  • Do Problems 97 through 99 in teams
  • Dojo Challenge: Problem 100
Homework:  Lesson 2.2.6 R/P (answers in GC)

Monday, October 19, 2015

10/19 Lesson 2.2.5 Multiplication of Portions

1.  Warm-up:  Recall that you can solve 7(96) using the distributive property.

7(96) = 7(90 + 6) = 7(90) + 7(6)

7(90) = 630 and 7(6) = 42      

630 + 42 = 672

Solve each of the following using the distributive property:

a)  4(47)                  b)     3(86)              c)   8(-108)          *Challenge:  6(-1,451)

2.  Lesson 2.2.5 Multiplication of Portions (page 105)
  • Objective:  I will create visual models for multiplication of portions (fractions)
  • Mini-lesson: Unit Rectangles
  • Do Problems 87, 88, and 89 with your team
Homework:  Lesson 2.2.5 R/P (due Tuesday)

Friday, October 16, 2015

10/16 Quiz, Distributive Property, Multiplying Portions

1.  Ch. 2 Benchmark Quiz

2.  Distributive Property Mini-Lesson

3.  Lesson 2.2.5 Multiplication of Portions
  • Objective:  I will create visual models for multiplication of portions (fractions)
  • Mini-lesson: Unit Rectangles
  • Do Problem 87 and 88 with your team
Homework:  Lesson 2.2.5 R/P (due Tuesday)

Thursday, October 15, 2015

10/15 Lesson 2.2.4 Multiplication as Repeated Addition

1.  Warm-up:

Write at least 2 expressions (a mathematical sentence) to represent each of these diagrams.

Hint:  Think about using ( ) to represent groups

2.  Announcements:
  • Ch. 2 Benchmark Quiz tomorrow will include:
    • Addition of integers (positive and negative)
    • Portions webs (converting between decimals, fractions, percents)
  • Win-a-Row tournament at lunch today! Starts promptly @ 12:25. Bring a friend.
3.  Lesson 2.2.4 Multiplication as Repeated Addition
  • Objectives:
    • I will show multiplication as repeated addition using diagrams/pictures
    • I will solve problems involving the Distributive Property
  • Multiplying (making groups) using Integer Tiles
    • 4(-2)
    • 3(-3)
    • 2(-4 + 3)
    • 3(1 + (-2)) + -3
  • Problems 74 through 76 in teams
  • Mini-lesson: Distributive Property
  • Problem 77 in teams
Homework:  2.2.4 R/P (answers in GC)

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

10/14 Lesson 2.2.4 Multiplication as Repeated Addition

1.  Warm-up:

2.  Game Time!  "Win-a-row"

3.  Lesson 2.2.4 Multiplication as Repeated Addition
  • Objective:  I will rewrite addition problems using multiplication
  • How can we use multiplication to rewrite 7 + 7 + 7 + 7?  How about 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2?
  • Problems 71 through 73 with your team
    • Focus on strategies for modeling multiplication (number line and integer tiles)

4.  Exit ticket:  Draw a visual model using either a number line or integer tiles

       a)    7(-2)

       b)    4(3) + 2

Homework:  Lesson 2.2.4 R/P due Friday

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

10/13 Lesson 2.2.3 Addition of Integers and Rational Numbers

1.  Warm-up:  Of the 3 building blocks we learned yesterday, (zero pair, addition with number line, absolute value) choose one that you feel comfortable explaining.  Prepare a short explanation to share with your classmates.

Announcement:  Ch. 1 retest is tomorrow @ lunch or after school

2.  Lesson 2.2.3  Addition of Integers and Rational Numbers
  • Objective:  I will develop more strategies for solving addition problems (with negative numbers).
    • Problem 56 with your team
    • Game time!  Win-a-row
    • Mini-lesson:  Integer addition using integer tiles
    • Problem 58 with your team
    • Class discussion:  Considering what you know, what strategy would you use to solve -200 + 14?
    • Use a similar strategy for rational number addition in Problem 60
Homework: Lesson 2.2.3 R/P (answers in GC)

Monday, October 12, 2015

10/12 Lesson 2.2.2 Zero Pairs and Absolute Value

1.  Warm-up:  No computers today. Resource Managers: grab 2 textbooks for your team to share.  Turn to page 88

2.  Lesson 2.2.2 Zero Pairs and Absolute Value
  • Objectives:
    • I will simplify expressions efficiently using zero pairs
    • I will simplify expressions involving Absolute Value
Finished with the problem early?  Don't wait around doing nothing.  Try Challenge problems #46 and 47

Do: Problem 43.  Focus word: "Zero pair."  How can we describe Cecil's movement with relation to a zero pair?

Mini-lesson:  Number line addition

Do: Problem 44

Mini-lesson:  Absolute Value

Do: Problem 45


  • Chapter 1 Re-test on Weds (at lunch or after school)
  • Minecraft tournament applications due tonight.  See blog post from Friday

Homework:  Lesson 2.2.2 R/P (answers in GC)

Friday, October 9, 2015

10/9 Lesson 2.2.2 Adding Integers and Rational Numbers

1.  Warm-up:  Stick-Math Puzzle on side whiteboard

2.  Minecraft Tournament:
3.  Lesson 2.2.2 Adding Integers and Rational Numbers
  • Key concepts:
    • Zero Pairs
    • Absolute Value
    • For rational numbers, think about money
  • Objective:  I will be able to add integers and rational numbers
  • Participation Quiz: Problems 42 and 43
    • Encourage the use of team roles
    • Finish at least the first 3 parts of problem 42
    • Timer is set for 15 minutes
4. Closure:
  • What is a zero pair?  What does a zero pair do to Cecil's movements?  Why are zero pairs important?
  • Participation Quiz debrief
Homework:  Lesson 2.2.2 R/P due on Tuesday

Thursday, October 8, 2015

10/8 Lesson 2.2.1 Composing Integers

1.  Warm-up:  Imagine that your partner was absent yesterday.  Explain to them (by writing in your warm-up section) how to quickly:
  • Convert 0.82 to a fraction
  • Convert 0.456 to a fraction
  • Convert 0.828282...(repeating) to a fraction
2.  Lesson 2.2.1 Composing Integers
  • Tightrope walking video.
  • Objective:  I will be able to compose numbers in multiple ways
  • Do: Problems 31 through 34
  • Challenge: Problem 35
3.  Closure:  Refer back to problem 34.  Does the order that Cecil moves in matter?

Homework:  Lesson 2.2.1 R/P (answers in GC)

Ch. 1 Test Rework due tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

10/7 Lesson 2.1.2 Rewriting Decimals as Fractions

1.  Warm-up:  Instead of a computer, grab a calculator today.  Then try this warm-up problem:

2.  How did you and your partner write 0.75 as a fraction?  Are there multiple ways to do it?


3.  Lesson 2.1.2 Rewriting Decimals as Fractions

  • Objective:  I will rewrite decimals as fractions using what I know about the place value system.
  • Do: Problem 2-19 with your team.  Check that your answer is correct using a calculator
  • Discuss: Problem 2-20 with your team.  Recorder/Reporter, be prepared to share out your team's idea
  • Math Walk: Convert the fractions into decimals.  Can you find a pattern?
  • Do: Problem 2-21 g) through i)
  • Challenge:  Problem 2-23
Homework: Lesson 2.1.2 Review/Preview (answers in GC, please correct before coming to class)